Industrial CT Helps Research into Green Energy Solutions

尼康计量XT H 225 ST CT扫描仪在丹麦DTU Energy使用

DTU Energy是丹麦技术大学的能源转换和存储系,已从2020欧洲杯下注官网尼康计量学to investigate energy-related materials non-destructively, such as those found in batteries, electrolysis cells and fuel cells.


Non-renewables generate approximately 85 per cent of the world’s energy today, but the issues with these finite resources have been known for a long time. Fossil fuels will one day be depleted but in the meantime, greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide created by burning them are contributing to global warming.

In the search to find alternative resources to power the world, DTU Energy’s primary objective is to develop technologies for conversion and storage of energy derived from fluctuating sources such as wind and solar power generation.

Wind power, for example, may be stored by converting the electricity produced into a fuel such as hydrogen or a hydrocarbon.

CT provides insight that cannot be obtained from 2D images. The department’s pre-existing imaging methods include electron microscopy (SEM, TEM), FIB-tomography, TOF-SIMS, XPS, neutron imaging, scanning probe microscopy and diffraction tomography.



With the CT facility, it is possible to investigate the devices in 3D non-destructively, giving information on internal surfaces and material structure such as the connectivity of pores, data that cannot be obtained from 2D images.

XT H 225 ST是尼康计量学的扩展模型,它允许扫描重量最高50千克的样品,直径300毫米。额外的尺寸和重量能力是DTU能量检查大型重型样品(例如太阳能,燃料和电解细胞)所需的。

A 16-bit PerkinElmer 1620 flat panel allows high definition images to be obtained.

CT扫描仪还配备了生成特定X射线光谱的多金属目标。除了标准的钨靶外,操作员还可以选择其他三种材料 - 银,钼和铜 - 使较低能量处的X射线排放能够改善某些材料的分析。欧洲杯足球竞彩

The wide scope of options with the Nikon Metrology system makes it a flexible tool for use across quality laboratories, production facilities and research departments, which is useful as other departments at the university will use the equipment, including DTU Compute, DTU Mechanics and DTU Physics.


Motorised FID enables fast scans for in-situ measurements.

With over 25 years of expertise, CT specialists at Nikon Metrology have developed and manufactured complete systems incorporating proprietary microfocus X-ray sources, high precision manipulators programmable in five axes, and fast acquisition and reconstruction software.

XT H 225 ST带有电动FID(焦点到成像器距离),这意味着检测器可以更接近源。较短的FID意味着X射线通量增加,减少成像暴露和扫描时间。DTU Energy利用了ST模型的高通量来促进更快的扫描,以进行原位测量。

购买尼康系统的动机是225 kV的微量源,最小斑点大小为3 µm,能够扫描包含重元素和较大样品的密集材料,例如电池,太阳能电池和燃料 /电气电池。欧洲杯足球竞彩

dtu Energy的SørenBredmose Simonsen



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    尼康计量学。(2016, December 06). Industrial CT Helps Research into Green Energy Solutions. AZoM. Retrieved on December 11, 2021 from //

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    尼康计量学。2016.Industrial CT Helps Research into Green Energy Solutions。azom, viewed 11 December 2021, //



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