
A super-thin, non-toxic, ultra-white coating that is light in weight and edible has been developed by scientists. The coating can be used to produce brighter coatings and paints for use in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries.

这是一只甲虫。(图片来源:Olimpia Onelli)

材料的白度是纸张的20倍,它模拟了特定甲虫的超薄尺度的结构。它是通过使用无毒纤维素产生的。该研究的结果已在Advanced Materialsjournal.


However, to appear white, the entire wavelengths of light have to be reflected at the same efficiency. Majority of the commercially accessible white products (for example, cosmetics, sun creams, and paints) include highly refractive particles, most commonly zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, to efficiently reflect light. Although these materials are thought to be safe, they are not entirely biocompatible or sustainable.



Dr. Olimpia Onelli, Co-Author -Cambridge’s Department of Chemistry

The Cambridge researchers collaborated with researchers from Aalto University, Finland, and simulated the structure of chitin with cellulose, an abundant, biocompatible, non-toxic, and strong material. They used minute strands of cellulose (i.e., cellulose nanofibrils) to accomplish the same ultra-white effect in a flexible membrane.

The team used a blend of nanofibrils of distinctive diameters to adjust the opacity, and thereby the whiteness, of the end product. The membranes developed from the ultra-thin fibers were highly transparent. In contrast, the membranes developed from medium and thicker fibers led to the formation of a more opaque membrane. Thus, the team could calibrate the geometry of the nanofibrils such that they reflected the major portion of the incident light.

这些基于纤维素的材料的结构几乎像意大利面一样欧洲杯足球竞彩,这就是它们能够很好地散射光线的方式该论文的高级作者Silvia Vignolini博士说,他也是剑桥化学系的。“We need to get the mix just right: we don’t want it to be too uniform, and we don’t want it to collapse。”

与甲虫的尺度相似,纤维素膜非常薄,厚度仅为1 m。但是,该团队有信心,可以通过进一步的制造方法来发展更多的微小膜。与纸张相比,膜可以以提高效率提高20-30倍的光散射光,可用于发展未来,明亮,高效,生物相容性和可持续的白色材料。欧洲杯足球竞彩

The UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and the European Research Council partially funded the study. Cambridge Enterprise, the University’s commercialization arm, has patented the technology.


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