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Catalyst for Fuel Cells with Resistance Against Destructive Oxygen


Recently, researchers from theRuhr-UniversitätBochum(RUB), theMax-Planck-Institute for Energy Conversionin Mülheim and the from the太平洋西北国家实验室在美国华盛顿,已经能够为这种催化剂配备针对分子氧的自卫机制。他们的发现可以在2月28日的《自然通讯》中找到。


An Alternative for Scarce and Noble Catalyst

据说氢是将来最有利的能量向量之一。通常,在非常有效的H中使用基于高贵和稀缺材料(如白金)的催化剂欧洲杯足球竞彩2/O2driven fuel cells. A promising alternative for this costly and limiting catalyst materials are molecular catalysts based on plentiful metals like iron and/or nickel, which resemble a mimic of the active center of nature’s extremely active hydrogenases.



The latter is of particular importance for technological applications since the immobilization enhances the performance of such fuel cell system正如鲁尔(Rub)分析化学的沃尔夫冈·舒曼(Wolfgang Schuhmann)教授所解释的那样,卓越的鲁尔(Ruhr)群体成员探索了溶剂化(Resolv)。


A Polymer Induces Self-Protection

For the protection against oxygen, the research team added a hydrophobic and redox-inactive polymer as immobilization matrix for the nickel-complex based catalyst. The embedment of the catalyst into the polymer matrix guarantees the creation of two separated reaction layers: a catalytically active layer near the electrode surface and a protection layer at the polymer/electrolyte interface. The first layer allows for an effective conversion of hydrogen at the electrode surface and the second layer eliminates incoming oxygen at the interface and thereby protects the active layer from oxygen damage.


根据沃尔夫冈·舒曼(Wolfgang Schuhmann)的说法,“the catalyst itself provides the protection against oxygen. For this, the catalyst uses electrons from the hydrogen oxidation in the outer polymer layer which are then used to reduce oxygen at the catalyst centers.”



The polymer/catalyst altered electrodes displayed an outstanding long-term stability and extraordinary current densities which are both requirements for robust fuel cells. The proposed hydrogen oxidation electrodes are hence a favorable alternative for the development of sustainable and economical energy conversion systems.



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