

Highly flexible bipolar plate. (Image credit: Fraunhofer UMSICHT)

Now, batteries can be produced cost-effectively through a new type of extremely thin and flexible bipolar plate. Scientists from theFraunhofer Institute对于环境,安全和能源技术,UMSICHT将在1月24日举行的Hannover Messe Preview介绍这项新技术的开发Th,2019年在Hall 19,在4月1日起在汉诺威(Hannover)st到5Th,2019年在2号厅,C22展位。

已知传统的电池系统非常复杂,并且通常包含许多单独的单元,它们通过电线相互连接。但是,这不仅是昂贵且耗时的,而且还涉及到热点的重大风险 - 在其中电线变得非常热。此外,要包装每个单元格中的每个单元格是必不可少的,这意味着电池的主要部分包含不增加电池性能的非活动材料。

可以用双极电池解决此问题,也就是说,使用平坦的双极板将单个单元相互连接。然而,这种方法提出了其他类型的挑战 - 双极板是由碳聚合物复合材料制成的,这意味着由于生产过程,它们需要具有几毫米的最小厚度,或者它们是由金属制成的,因此可以使用金属制成,因此可以使用罐头。容易腐蚀。



We manufacture bipolar plates from polymers that have been made electrically conductive. In this way, we can produce very thin plates and – compared with conventional cells connected by wires—save over 80 percent of the material used.

dr-ing。安娜·格雷维(AnnaGrevé),弗劳恩霍夫·乌姆斯特(Fraunhofer Umsicht)部门负责人。

The material also provides a number of other benefits, for example, it is not prone to corrosion. Another significant benefit of this material is that it can be subsequently remolded, making it possible, for instance, to emboss structures, which are crucial for fuel cells. Furthermore, the novel bipolar plates can be fused together, and therefore the ensuing battery system is completely tight. By contrast, traditional bipolar plates are not appropriate for welding because the material is thermally and mechanically stressed at the time of the manufacturing process. Seals are required to fuse them in such a way that neither liquids nor gases can penetrate through the joints. Conversely, seals not only take up space but also become porous quickly. An additional benefit of the novel material is that the investigators can customize the characteristics of the bipolar plates to particular needs. “We can make plates that are so flexible that you can wrap them around your finger, as well as ones that are completely stiff,”指定的格雷维(Grevé)。

Cost-effective manufacture through roll-to-roll technique

主要挑战涉及材料和生产过程的开发。“We use commercially available polymers and graphites, but the secret is in the recipe,” stated Grevé.

Since the material contains just around 20% polymer and approximately 80% graphites, the processing techniques are completely different from normal polymer processing. At Fraunhofer UMSICHT, the research team selected the roll-to-roll technique and customized it using plenty of experience. This technique enables low-cost manufacturing. In any case, the ingredients that are used in the fabricated plates should be uniformly distributed, and the plates also need to be absolutely tight and mechanically stable. However, this was no easy task because of the materials’ initial structure, yet the experts were able to overcome this challenge as well.


dr-ing。安娜·格雷维(AnnaGrevé),弗劳恩霍夫·乌姆斯特(Fraunhofer Umsicht)部门负责人。

The plates can be produced in any size, which is another benefit of this technique.

在汉诺威梅西预览和汉诺威·梅斯(Hannover Messe)的演讲

研究人员已经开发了相关的新型躁郁症板的相关样品量。研究人员与Saueressig GmbH + Co. KG一起,将生产燃料电池的双极板的早期方法转化为恒定过程。

德国联邦经济事务和能源部(BMWI)资助了该项目。研究人员将介绍整个材料的范围 - 从极其薄而柔韧的板到预览时的硬和刚性等效物,再到1月24日的汉诺威·梅斯Th, 2019.

在4月1日之间举行的汉诺威·梅斯(Hannover Messe)st到5Th, 2019, Grevé and her group will be demonstrating a 3.2 m2双极板,使得在2号室C22厅2号厅开发大规模的氧化还原流量电池。



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