Flexible Electronics for Cars, Wearables, Smart Homes and More – OE-A Presents the Future at LOPEC 2019

The competition taking place for the ninth year in a row is organized by OE-A for its members from all sectors of organic and printed electronics. Numerous international companies, research institutes and universities participate in this annual competition to present their products, prototypes and concepts. Prizes will be awarded for the best submission in each of the four categories – “Products & New Prototypes”, “Freestyle Demonstrator” and “Publicly Funded Project Demonstrator” – at LOPEC 2019 in Munich, Germany.

Products for electric cars, healthcare and designer homes

Once again, prototypes and products from the packaging, wearables, smart buildings and consumer electronics sectors will be displayed. A total of 19 submissions from 12 countries will be showcased at the OE-A booth (Messe München, hall B0, booth 216) during LOPEC 2019.

Hybrid electronics battery connection component for monitoring battery cell capacity in electric cars © IEE


Self-powered glucometer © IMB-CNM-CSIC

医疗保健也有令人兴奋的发展,例如来自OE-A成员IMB-CNM-CSIC的能量自主血糖表。该实验室片系统是用于诊断妊娠糖尿病的一次性测试带。该设备由纸基的传感器和燃料电池以及一系列印刷电子组件组成。电流计时器在任何给定时间将这些组件电气连接到传感器 /燃料电池。测试条区分正常,糖尿病前和糖尿病。引入系统中的血液样本既是分析物和电解质,也是唯一提供电子产品并显示结果的能源。

ColorLoop – Transparent, bendable OLED light © EMDE

There will also be examples of interesting lighting concepts for future forms of mobility and smart buildings. One such concept is the transparent, bendable OLED light “ColorLoop” from OE-A members EMDE, VTT and Fraunhofer FEP, which not only stands out due to its energy efficiency and homogeneous light, but also because of its flexible glass.

This year, attendees can once again cast their votes and choose which demonstrator deserves the “Public Choice Award”. Voters also have the chance to win something: The “Papier Machine” – a book containing a collection DIY interactive electronic paper toys that will help you unveil the mysteries of printed electronics – developed by Marion Pinaffo, Raphaël Pluvinage and Panoplie, will be raffled off.

The winner of the OE-A Competition 2019 will be announced on the evening of Wednesday, March 20, during the LOPEC Dinner & Award Show. “Each year we see how the submissions evolve and become more challenging; more and more of them are close to or already in production. This is a clear sign that printed electronics have established themselves as an important technological component in various industries,” says Dr. Klaus Hecker, Managing Director of OE-A, a working group within VDMA.

有关有机和印刷电子,原型和产品的更多信息,请于3月19日至21日在德国慕尼黑的ICM访问LOPEC 2019的OE-A展位216(B0厅)。

Journalists can be accredited for LOPEC 2019. The press conference for LOPEC 2019 will take place on Wednesday, March 20, at 11:15 am.

如果您有任何疑问,请随时与OE-A-A董事总经理Klaus Hecker博士联系:+49 69 66 66 03-13 36,电子邮件:[电子邮件保护]




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