WITEC GmbH,拉曼成像和相关显微镜的先驱引入了alpha300拉曼显微镜系列的拟议粒子分析工具。欧洲杯猜球平台它使研究人员能够快速轻松地查找,分类,量化和识别粒子。欧洲杯猜球平台
ParticleScout delivers a greatly accelerated workflow to the researcher investigating particulate samples while making full use of confocal Raman imaging’s abilities in fast, label-free and nondestructive chemical characterization. It begins by surveying samples with bright and dark field illumination to view the particles they contain. Image Stitching combines many measured areas for a detailed overview of large areas and Focus Stacking allows larger particles to be sharply rendered for accurate outline recognition. The optical images lead to the creation of a mask which is used to physically categorize particles of interest and arrange them in a ranked list. A Raman spectrum is then automatically acquired from each particle.
评估拉曼光谱,并且它们对应的粒子可以手动识别或者通过使用无缝集成的Witec Tr欧洲杯猜球平台uematch拉曼数据库软件来识别。粒子分析工具与拉曼数据库的这种集成在行业中是独一无二的,提供了一种简化的实验环境,以提高生产率。最后,SimberL欧洲杯猜球平台escout生成了一个全面的报告,该报告具有用户可选择的滤波器和高级算法的组合,以显示相对于其他组的所选粒子的数量及其流行性。这些报告使SimpllesCout成为在欧洲杯猜球平台粒子的物理和化学属性之间找到相关性的完美工具。