
著名的研究人员利用Malvern Panalytical的AsdTerraspec®光环矿物标识符来推动对火星生命的调查

Malvern Analyticalinstrument used for testing planetary field geology and mineralogy at terrestrial analog sites in Arizona and Utah

Malvern Analytical, a global leader in high-performance analytical instrumentation and materials analysis solutions, today announced that their阿斯德·特拉斯帕克(Asd Terraspec)®光晕矿物标识符被选中并用于多个研究项目,旨在扩大美国在火星行星探索方面的努力。

These selections represent some of the initial steps towards advancing scientific study and exploration of Mars due to the wealth of compositional information VIS-NIR-SWIR (visible - near-infrared – short-wave infrared) spectroscopy can provide. The recent research projects selected the ASD handheld VIS-NIR-SWIR full-range (350 to 2500nm) spectrometer to be utilized as a terrestrial analog instrument for the collection, analysis and interpretation of geological and mineralogical data. Mineralogical variations are significant because geochemical differences contain clues regarding whether a geologic environment was habitable or capable of preserving evidence of prior life. Without in-situ VIS-NIR-SWIR data, there could be missed critical information for scientific missions and interpretations.


Katherine Macchiarola, Marketing Director – Americas at Malvern Panalytical

“With NASA ramping up to go back to the Moon, to Mars and beyond, there’s a need for people to be well versed in planetary field geology,” said Dr. Ulyana Horodyskyj, scientist and co-teacher of Project PoSSUM’s citizen-science course. “The best we can do, at the moment, is study extreme environments on Earth that are going to be the most similar to Mars.”

A NASA-sponsored research project, the GeoHeuristic Operational Strategies Test (GHOST), including scientists from University of Colorado Boulder selected the ASD TerraSpec Halo to maximize the speed, efficiency and scientific return of Mars rover sample collection. The program used the spectrometer to simulate the function of the火星科学实欧洲杯线上买球验室(MSL)Chemcam和火星2020 RoverSuperCam。During the research project, the TerraSpec Halo allowed for rapid data acquisition of in-situ outcrops, similar to the data gathered by Mars rovers, and allowed the rover operations team to rapidly traverse the field site near Salt Lake City, Utah, maximizing the number of data points gathered.

Project Possum(Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere), a 501(c)(3) astronautics research and education program studying our upper atmosphere and its role in our changing global climate, allows citizen-scientists to participate in research and education programs. One recent Project PoSSUM course, entitled “Planetary Field Geology and EVA Tool Development,” allowed student researchers to use the ASD TerraSpec Halo to gather spectral measurements at the San Francisco Volcanic Field in northern Arizona and identify alteration minerals, which is key for when scientists and astronauts eventually do get back to the Moon and/or go to Mars, and are looking for traces of water.

Malvern Panalytical的ASD Terraspec Halo矿物标识符是一种多合一的全距离(350-2500 nm)Vis-nir-Swir光谱仪,可让用户立即用简单的触发器识别矿物质。该仪器进行了非破坏性的接触测量,可提供快速的矿物质识别,可显着加快科学研究和采矿业的勘探工作,提高效率,提高分析和决策,并最终节省宝贵的时间和金钱。


科罗拉多大学地质科学系副教授Brian Hynek博士。欧洲杯线上买球

Visit the Malvern Panalytical ASD TerraSpec Halo mineral identifierwebsite想要查询更多的信息。

大型行业和组织中的科学家和工程师使用了Malvern Allytical Technologies,以解决与最大化生产率,开发更好的产品并使其更快地进行市场相关的挑战。我们的使命是创建以客户,物理和结构性分析的材料来创建优越的,以客户为中心的解决方案和服务,以实现有形的经济影响。欧洲杯足球竞彩

Malvern Panalytical Instruments以广泛的行业知识和技术和应用专业知识为基础,可帮助用户更好地了解各种材料,从蛋白质和聚合物到金属和建筑材料。欧洲杯足球竞彩我们的技术可以测量参数,例如粒度,形状和Zeta电位,生物分子相互作用和稳定性,流变特性,元素浓度和晶体学结构。这些属性的高度可靠和强大的表征是预测产品在使用过程中的表现,以优化其性能和实现卓越制造业的基础。

Malvern Panalytical是由Malvern Instruments and Panalytical的合并组成的,包括ASD和Claisse公司,于2017年1月1日在全球范围内拥有2,000多名员工。在北美,欧洲和中国的研发和制造地点以及全球销售和服务业务中,我们提供了无与伦比的客户支持水平。Malvern Panalytical是材料表征市场的强大参与者和创新者,为卓越可行的见解提供了专家解决方案。欧洲杯足球竞彩

Malvern Analyticalis part of Spectris plc, the productivity-enhancing instruments and controls company.


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    Malvern Analytical。(2019, July 17). Renowned Researchers Leverage Malvern Panalytical’s ASD TerraSpec® Halo Mineral Identifier to Advance Investigation of Life on Mars . AZoM. Retrieved on December 26, 2022 from //www.wireless-io.com/news.aspx?newsID=51726.

  • MLA

    Malvern Analytical。“著名的研究人员利用马尔文(Malvern)的ASDTerraspec®光环矿物标识符来推动对火星生命的调查”。AZoM。26December 2022. .

  • 芝加哥

    Malvern Analytical。“著名的研究人员利用马尔文(Malvern)的ASDTerraspec®光环矿物标识符来推动对火星生命的调查”。azom。//www.wireless-io.com/news.aspx?newsid=51726。(2022年12月26日访问)。

  • 哈佛大学

    Malvern Analytical。2019。著名的研究人员利用Malvern Panalytical的AsdTerraspec®光环矿物标识符来推动对火星生命的调查。AZoM, viewed 26 December 2022, //www.wireless-io.com/news.aspx?newsID=51726.

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