Shenmao America,Inc。很高兴地宣布,该公司将在第31届年度电子包装研讨会上展出,该集成计划于2019年9月5日至6日在纽约州宾厄姆顿举行。美国Shenmao America总经理Watson Tseng将介绍“ SMT集会的新一代,低温铅焊料”。
SAC305 is the major solder alloy after RoHS was adopted by the European Union. Since its melting temperature is relatively higher than eutectic SnPb alloy, the peak reflow temperature increases. This presentation will discuss how the transformation in the assembly industry impacts the component requirement, and the deformation probability (warpage) of a flat component is increased, impacting production yield. A lead-free, low-temperature SMT solder is needed to resolve this dilemma.
Mr. Tseng has been with SHENMAO Technology since 2001, and is Vice President of R&D and General Manager of SHENMAO America. He has more than 17 years of experience in the development of fluxes, alloys, and solder pastes for the SMT and semiconductor industries. Mr. Watson received his Master’s Degree and Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from the National Taiwan University.
Shenmao已成功获得了许多国际知名的电子制造商的批准。该公司努力提供最佳质量,而不会损害成本和上市时间,同时为所有客户提供最大的价值。Shenmao America,Inc。在其位于加利福尼亚州圣何塞的设施中混合SMT焊料糊,以在北美分发。