SPECTRO Analytical Instruments, a leading manufacturer of advanced instruments for elemental analysis, has published a new white paper, “A New Approach to ICP-OES Analysis for Environmental Testing.”
Environmental laboratories might like to standardize on one ICP-OES solution for most or all of their analysis needs. But different spectrometer types have different advantages and disadvantages for various applications. For instance, they derive diverse benefits from their internal plasma viewing technologies.
For instance, DSOI technology offers twice the sensitivity of conventional radial systems yet avoids the complexity, drawbacks, and cost of vertical dual view models. It provides high stability, the same high linearity as traditional radial-observation ICP-OES, improved ease of use and less maintenance requirements than vertical dual view systems. Additional advantages of the technique: only a measurement, using a single plasma view, is needed — a definite speed advantage compared to dual-view spectrometers.