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血浆FIB和无现场UHR Fe-SEM的独特组合,用于最广泛的材料表征应用欧洲杯足球竞彩

As the first SEM manufacturer to commercialize integrated xenon plasma FIB with the SEM, TESCAN proudly announces TESCAN AMBER X. TESCAN AMBER X is a new FIB-SEM solution that combines high throughput plasma-assisted ion milling with improved ultra-high resolution (UHR) field-free SEM optics, a combination ideally suited for materials characterization over a significantly wider sample range. TESCAN AMBER X target applications include milling and characterization of large cross-sections (up to 1 mm in width), multiscale, multi-modal FIB-SEM tomography, and contamination-free preparation of micro- and nano-structures for subsequent testing or characterization.

尽管更常见的镀铝纤维SEM系统(例如Tescan Amber或Solaris)仍然是需要最高离子光束铣削精度的应用的解决方案,但它们的多功能性多尺度表征和样品制备新型材料的样品可能会受到限制的损害欧洲杯足球竞彩铣削速度和液态金属离子污染物。使用Tescan Amber X,我们为需要在最广泛的传统和新颖材料范围内进行多尺度表征的材料实验室提出了一欧洲杯足球竞彩个独特的解决方案。

Tescan Fib-Sem解决方案投资组合产品经理Jiri Dluhos,材料科学欧洲杯线上买球

XENON等离子体FIB不同于镀和液体金属离子Fib技术,其能力将更多的离子聚焦到束上,从而获得更高的离子束电流,而不是液态金属离子物种所能获得的更高的离子束电流。The benefit of higher ion beam currents, up to 1 uA for TESCAN AMBER X’s high-resolution plasma FIB configuration, is their significantly higher milling rates — one order of magnitude and more – while also delivering fine milling and polishing capabilities with 15 nm optical resolution. And, due to the inert nature of xenon, plasma FIB eliminates any risk of sample contamination by ion implantation.

The field-free BrightBeam™ electron column of TESCAN AMBER X extends ultra-high resolution for concurrent SEM, EDS or EBSD characterization to a wider range of materials, like metallic, magnetic, non-conductive or beam-sensitive, that might otherwise be affected by non-field-free electron optics, while still achieving ultra-high resolution (1.5 nm @ 1 kV).

TESCAN AMBER X, based on the TESCAN S8000 platform, is available for order now, with first deliveries expected in the first quarter of 2020.


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    Tescan USA Inc ..(2019年9月3日)。等离子FIB和无现场UHR FE-SEM的独特组合,用于最广泛的材料表征应用。欧洲杯足球竞彩Azom。于2021年10月3日从//检索。

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    Tescan USA Inc. ..“等离子FIB和无田UHR FE-SEM的独特组合,用于最广泛的材料表征应用范围”。欧洲杯足球竞彩AZoM。2021年10月3日。

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    Tescan USA Inc. ..“等离子FIB和无田UHR FE-SEM的独特组合,用于最广泛的材料表征应用范围”。欧洲杯足球竞彩Azom。//。(2021年10月3日访问)。

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    TESCAN USA Inc.. 2019.血浆FIB和无现场UHR Fe-SEM的独特组合,用于最广泛的材料表征应用欧洲杯足球竞彩。Azom,2021年10月3日,//。

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