



Focus on Automotive, Healthcare and Footwear


The automotive industry gains from personalized dashboards, light covers and car seats. Aside from delivering customizability, additive manufacturing facilitates weight reduction and increased vehicle safety. Other important advantages of 3D printing include spare parts on demand, low volume production, and a more efficient production process.



Bringing 3D Printing to the Production Floor

Hugo da Silva, VP Additive Manufacturing DSM, says: “Our partnership with Twikit allows us to make significant advances in key sectors that stand to benefit from the wider-scale adoption of additive manufacturing. In healthcare, for example, 3D printed, made-to-measure prosthetics and orthotics will positively impact people’s lives across the globe. Reinforcing our 3D printing ecosystem with experienced partners like Twikit enables us to offer customers not just materials, but also expertise and insights to translate market needs into total 3D printed solutions. By providing end-to-end solutions, we are able to accelerate the adoption of additive manufacturing at scale.透明

One specific market Twikit and DSM are focusing on is the prosthetics and orthotics industry. Despite the clear advantages of advanced additive manufacturing techniques in terms of customizability and production efficiency, their adoption by prosthetics and orthotics manufacturers is still limited.


目的是销售Twikit制作的量化软件解决方案“ Twikfit”并开发经过测试和经过验证的产品模板。DSM和Twikit共同开发和集成的申请将在法兰克福的Formnext 2019向公众揭幕。

Twikit的首席执行官兼联合创始人Martijn Joris补充说:“Prosthetics and orthotics are an excellent example of the digital transformation and the enhanced customizability enabled by 3D printing. Our work in other sectors, such as the apparel and automotive industries, has already demonstrated that additive manufacturing can generate high value for OEMs through individualization. With the partnership, we will accelerate growth and innovation across the 3D printing value chain。透明


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