JEC ASIA 2019 Reflected the Dynamism of the Composites Industry in Asia Pacific

经过三天的复合材料展示了光明的未来之后,JEC Asia 2019欢迎200多名参展商展示了来自首尔49个国家 /地区的6600多名参与者的最新创新。从全球品牌到有远见的初创公司,这些公司在创新,知识和网络的希望中设定了综合世界的融合。


JEC Asia 2019 Main Highlights

Major announcements of this new edition

On the first day of the 12thedition of JEC Asia 2019, Eric Pierrejean, JEC Group CEO and Yoon Hyuk Bang, President of KCTECH gave a welcoming speech and present JEC Asia 2019’s main features during the opening ceremony.

埃里克·皮埃尔让(Eric Pierrejean)还感谢参加此次活动的韩国政府官员,当地公司和机构。多亏了JEC亚洲平台,他们才能够签署三个主要的穆斯特。第一个是在全球地区和韩国国际贸易协会(KITA)之间,这是韩国托盘池公司,全下布省和汉库克·碳之间的第二个。以及Pitchcable Inc.,Jeonbuk省和BSM之间的第三个。这些协议反映了韩国总裁Moon Jae-In在8月宣布的国家“ Gloden Triangle”复合材料战略。7至8万韩元(5.82至6.66美元)的重大经济投资将在未来七年内支持这一策略,以构建和加强当地的复合材料行业。

Within this context, after three successful JEC Asia shows in Seoul, Eric Pierrejean officially announced the new name of the event, JEC KOREA, as of 2020, in order to promote the Korean composites sector and also to reinforce Seoul’s positioning as THE place to meet for the composites industry in the Asia Pacific region.

许多外国政府代表的存在已经证实了这一战略定位:法国大使的法国大使菲利普·勒福特(Philippe Lefort)先生,德国大使馆在首尔的科学事务部负责人亚历山大·雷纳(Alexander Renner)和吉姆皮罗·瓦莱奥(Giampiero Valeo),意大利大使馆在首尔的商业依恋者。

A very robust and high-level conferences program

JEC Asia 2019举行了一项强大的会议计划,从第14届国际碳节,碳材料研讨会和复合技术开始,并与KCTECH合作。欧洲杯足球竞彩来自韩国和世界各地的四十名发言人聚集在一起,以对汽车和航空技术的合成材料的主题演讲的形式表达他们的看法并分享他们的看法。在演讲者中可以找到来自现代汽车集团,Chomarat,Solvay Ventures以及空中客车,Copsose United和Nio等全球公司的专家。

Finally, to conclude the three-day conference sessions Avner Ben-Bassat, President & CEO of Plataine gave a keynote speech on a trending prospective topic:“The 4th Industrial Revolution: Implementing IIoT and AI to Composite Materials & Manufacturing.”

Tailored business meetings, composite tours and student programs

在Mai Carbon和当地大学的支持下,该学生课程也取得了巨大的成功,有300多名学生参加了特定的会议,并在一次导游的巡回演出中访问了该节目。

Through the exclusive Business Meetings Program, JEC Asia 2019 offered visitors and exhibitors access to effective marketing and relationship-building opportunities. Five hundred fifty business meetings took place over the three days of the show. These meetings were tailored to the specific needs and priorities of these professionals while allowing them to strengthen their positions, get involved in new programs, and meet new partners. Four composites sites and institutes tours were also provided to go even further in the discovery of the Korean composites ecosystem: Win & Win Co, Kookmin University (with Hankuk Carbon), KCtech and Hanyang University.

Overall, JEC Asia enhanced professionals’ knowledge, helped them network, and inspired the Composites community that attended the event.


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