NTU Singapore Scientists Create Paper-Like Material from Pollen

Scientists at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) have created a paper-like material derived from pollen that bends and curls in response to changing levels of environmental humidity.


Combined with digital printing, pollen paper may hold promise for the fabrication of a new generation of programmable natural actuators - components in a machine that are responsible for moving and controlling a mechanism.


They demonstrated the pollen-based paper's properties by folding it into a flower that 'blooms' in the presence of water vapor. They also showed that the pollen material's physical properties can be adjusted, with a strip of pollen-based paper that is able to 'walk'.

本文的相应作者是化学与生物医学工程学院的助理教授Juha,以及NTU的Cho Nam-Joon教授和Subra Suresh教授。欧洲杯足球竞彩欧洲杯线上买球

Much progress has been made in developing bioinspired sensors and actuators based on engineered synthetic materials, but these materials come with limitations such as issues with environmental sustainability and relatively high cost. There remains a critical need to incorporate cost-effective and eco-friendly materials. Just as pine cones open and close their scales depending on the amount of moisture in the air, our NTU research team has shown that pollen paper created from naturally abundant pollen grains responds as an actuator to changes in environmental humidity."

NTU杰出大学教授Subra Suresh,也是NTU主席

NTU Professor Cho Nam-Joon, who holds the Materials Research Society of Singapore Chair in Materials Science and Engineering, said: "These findings build on the recent work by our NTU team, in which we showed how hard pollen grains can be converted into soft microgel particles that alter their properties in response to external stimuli. This process also renders pollen and the products we create from it, non-allergenic."



The resulting gel-like material is then cast into a mold and left to dry, forming a paper-like material. Using scanning electron microscopy, the scientists observed that the pollen-based paper comprises alternating layers of pollen particles, with the top layer significantly rougher than the bottom layer.

The top surface of the pollen paper, which appears frosted to the naked eye, showed remnants of the sunflower pollen grains' distinct spikes, contributing to its roughness. The bottom surface, which takes on a mirror-like surface finish, was relatively smoother.


NTU助理教授Song Juha解释说:“在水或水蒸气吸收期间,纸张中的花粉颗粒膨胀并扩展。由于花粉颗粒层的结构差异,纸张在不同部分的膨胀膨胀。欧洲杯猜球平台纸的厚度,迫使其弯曲。”





Subra Suresh, NTU Professor

除了Suresh教授,Cho和Song教授外,作者名单还包括研究研究员Ze Zhao,Youngkyu Hwang和Tengfei Fan,以及来自NTU的研究助理Yun Yang。


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