Conference on Bio-Inspired Design at Georgia Tech

几个世纪以来,大自然激发了无数诗人,艺术家和音乐家的启发 - 现在,工程师正在寻求大自然来帮助他们解决当今最复杂的问题。5月11日至12日,有20家机构的研究人员将聚集在佐治亚理工学院第一次针对生物学启发设计和工程的国际研讨会。


"The natural selection and evolution of species provides us with the longest engineering design test of all time," said Jeannette Yen, professor in Georgia Tech's School of Biology. "By studying how organisms solve the problems they face, we get to benefit from the millions of years of knowledge embedded in the DNA of each creature."

尽管像莱昂纳多·达文奇(Leonardo Davinci)一样,科学家几个世纪前就向大自然寻求灵感,但最近在全国大学的研究领域中,仿生型却被捕捉到了一个热门的研究领域。去年,佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Tech)推出了生物学启发的设计中心(CBID),以鼓励研究小组之间已经进行的更多跨学科研究。现在,该中心拥有20名成员,由来自工程,生物学,化学,心理学,应用生理学和建筑的各个领域的研究人员组成。

其他机构也在扩大仿生研究。加利福尼亚大学 - 伯克利大学最近开设了一个新的跨学科生物学灵感中心。在多伦多大学,研究人员正忙于创建跨学科教学方法的方法。

At this conference, scientists and engineers from institutions, including Georgia Tech, Caltech, Case Western, UC Berkley, the Max Planck Institute for Metals Research, Shandong University and the University of Illinois will present snapshots of their research in progress.

Symposium highlights:

为了创建受脑启发的传感器并获得有关人脑中记忆如何形成的新见解,佐治亚理工学院的化学和生物分子工程助理教授Hang Lu正在研究如何表达和与记忆有关的基因表达和记忆相关的基因通过在同样微型芯片上观察蠕虫的行为,在微小的微型蠕虫中调节。

虽然技术工程师史蒂芬·德韦斯(Steven Deweerth)侧重于生物医学工程,但仍在努力了解身体如何与关节和肌肉进行运动和平衡,以设计机器人和假肢,以复制动物和人类的自然流动运动。他使用的是一个小型机器人,该机器人紧密复制了猫的平衡和运动,以及与虚拟机器人腿相关的青蛙肌肉。

在可能导致组织工程,修复和替代的新策略的研究中,佐治亚州科技生物学家J. Todd Streelman正在寻找鱼颌骨,以更好地了解下颌和牙齿在压力下的机械性能。

Researchers from other institutions will present findings on materials inspired by the strength of spider silk, the elasticity of cartilage, the arrangement of butterfly scales, the dry adhesion of gecko hairs for locomotion, fish teeth and the patterns and processes of diatom silica shells.

Other researchers will present research on the propulsive systems used in fish fins, jellyfish jets, insect legs and snake undulations, along with various ways to produce and coordinate these motions. One researcher from Caltech uses Electro Active Polymers, while another researcher from Case Western uses Braided Pneumatic Actuators as muscles in robots. A researcher at Northwestern uses whiskers as robotic sensors. At other institutions, researchers are outfitting robots with jointed legs and sticky toes.



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