Nov 24 2020
The production of these microscopically small structures has progressed so far that they reach dimensions below the wavelength of light. In this way, it is possible to break down hitherto existent boundaries in optics and utilize the quantum properties of light. In other words, nanophotonics represent a novel approach to quantum technologies.
As individual photons move in the quantum regime, scientists describe the relevant light sources as quantum emitters that can be embedded in nanodiamonds, among others. These special diamonds are characterized by their very small particle size, which can range from just a few to several hundred nanometres. Researchers at the University of Münster have now succeeded for the first time in fully integrating nanodiamonds into nanophotonic circuits and at the same time addressing several of these nanodiamonds optically.
在此过程中,绿色激光灯针对纳米符号的颜色中心,并在其中生成的单个红色光子发射到纳米级光学组件网络中。结果,研究人员现在可以以完全集成的状态控制这些量子系统。结果已发表在期刊上Nano Letters.
这些光学波导的测量小于微米,是通过münster纳米制造设施(MNF)的电子束光刻和反应性离子蚀刻设备产生的。2020欧洲杯下注官网“在这里,典型的实验设置的大小缩小到几百平方英尺,”穆纳斯特大学物理研究所的助理教授卡斯滕·沙克(Carsten Schuck)解释说,他与固态理论研究所的助理多丽丝·雷特(Doris Reiter)合作领导了这项研究。
“这不仅意味着我们可以节省空间,以了解涉及大量量子系统的未来应用程序,”he adds,"but it also enables us, for the first time, to control several such quantum systems simultaneously."In preliminary work prior to the current study, the Münster scientists developed suitable interfaces between the nanodiamonds and nanophotonic circuits.
The researchers also succeeded in running two magnetic field sensors, based on the integrated nanodiamonds, in parallel on one chip. Previously, this had only been possible individually or successively.
To make this possible, the researchers exposed the integrated nanodiamonds to microwaves, thus inducing changes of the quantum (spin) state of the colour centres.
The orientation of the spin influences the brightness of the nanodiamonds, which was subsequently read out using the on-chip optical access. The frequency of the microwave field and therewith the observable brightness variations depend on the magnetic field at the location of the nanodiamond.“对局部磁场的高灵敏度使得可以构建可以检测到单个细菌甚至单个原子的传感器,”explains Philip Schrinner, lead author of the study.
First of all, the researchers calculated the nanophotonic interface designs using elaborate 3D simulations, thus determining optimal geometries. They then assembled and fabricated these components into a nanophotonic circuit. After the nanodiamonds were integrated and characterized using adapted technology, the team of physicists carried out the quantum mechanical measurements by means of a set-up customized for the purpose.
"Working with diamond-based quantum systems in nanophotonic circuits allows a new kind of accessibility, as we are no longer restricted by microscope set-ups,"says Doris Reiter.“使用我们提出的方法,将来有可能同时监视并在一个芯片上读取大量这些量子系统,”she adds.
The researchers' work creates the conditions for enabling further studies to be carried out in the field of quantum optics - studies in which nanophotonics can be used to change the photo-physical properties of the diamond emitters.
The next steps will include implementing quantum sensors in the field of magnetometry, as used for example in materials analysis for semi-conductor components or brain scans. "To this end", say Carsten Schuck,"we want to integrate a large number of sensors on one chip which can then all be read out simultaneously, and thus not only register the magnetic field at one place, but also visualize magnetic field gradients in space."