Diamond Gives Quantum Edge to $9m Anti-Net Spy Cryptography

TheUniversity of Melbourne已经宣布了一项耗资900万美元的国际合资企业,以基于量子密码学的反蒸发技术商业化。

The venture links the Quantum Communications Victoria (QCV) program in the University’s School of Physics with world leading quantum communication production and commercialisation companies, MaqiQ Technologies, Qucor Pty Ltd and Silicon Graphics Inc.

School of Physics scientist and QCV CEO Dr Shane Huntington says the new technology uses a unique diamond-based device that can produce a single photon of light, opening the way to being able to detect eavesdroppers and stop highly sensitive information being intercepted or stolen.

He says the joint venture began after QCV was awarded $3.3m as part of a Strategic Technology Initiative grant from the Department of Innovation Industry and Regional Development to further develop the technology.


“Eavesdropping is a global problem which causes huge financial losses for security agencies. There is a critical need for Australia to keep up with the rest of the world in internet security,” says Dr Huntington.



“The challenge has been to completely remove all avenues of interception by eavesdroppers.”

Dr Huntington says QCV scientists have also been awarded new funding in a Commonwealth Government International Science Linkages Grant of $480 000 from the Department of Education Science and Training to develop QCV’s diamond-based technology in a collaboration with researchers in USA and Germany.

“This additional grant enhances the research base of the QCV program. In particular, it will help us to find infrared sources of single photons appropriate for the world’s telecommunication networks.”







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