New Approach Relates Spacetime Crystals to Traditional Geometry

专注于晶体结构,一名研究员宾夕法尼亚州立大学(Penn State) has designed a novel mathematical formula that might solve an ancient issue in interpreting spacetime—the foundationof the universe suggested in Albert Einstein’s theories of relativity.

展示创建“重新运识化混合时空”的过程的图。宾夕法尼亚州科学家Venkatraman Gopalan正在研究水晶结构,并开发了一种新的数学公式,可以解决在理解时空,宇宙中所提出的相对论理论的宇宙的织物中的十年历史问题。图片学分:Hari Padmanabhan,Penn State。

Relativity tells us space and time can mix to form a single entity called spacetime, which is four-dimensional: three space-axes and one time-axisHowever, something about the time-axis sticks out like sore thumb

Venkatraman Gopalan,宾夕法尼亚州立大学材料科学与欧洲杯足球竞彩工程教授欧洲杯线上买球



For more than 100 years, there has been an effort to put space and time on the same footing. But that has really not happened because of this minus sign. This research removes that problem at least in special relativity. Space and time are truly on the same footing in this work

Venkatraman Gopalan,宾夕法尼亚州立大学材料科学与欧洲杯足球竞彩工程教授欧洲杯线上买球

Recently published in theActa Crystallographica Ajournal on May 27TH., 2021, the article is accompanied by a commentary where a couple of physicists have cited that Gopalan’s mathematical approach may provide the solution to combine gravity and quantum mechanics—two fundamental areas of physics that have not been completely unified yet.

Gopalan’s idea of general relativistic spacetime crystals and how to obtain them is both powerful and broad. This research, in part, presents a new approach to a problem in physics that has remained unresolved for decades,“宾夕法尼亚州的物理学教授”Martin Bojowald“。


In crystals, atoms are arranged in a repeated pattern, and in the recent past, scientists have investigated the theory of time crystals, where the state of a material alters and also repeats in time, similar to a dance.



Avadh Saxena, Physicist, Los Alamos National Laboratory

The technique devised by Gopalan involves combining a couple of individual observations of the same event. Blending takes place when a couple of observers exchange time coordinates but still maintain their own space coordinates. With renormalization—an extra mathematical step—this results in “renormalized blended spacetime.”


您反过来采用我的时间测量为自己的,但保留自己的彗星空间测量。从数学的角度来看,如果我们这样做的测量混合,令人讨厌的减号消失了,” concluded Gopalan.



Gopalan,V(2021)相对论的时空晶体。Acta Crystallographica



