New 'Sandwich-Style' Fabrication Process Could Pave Way for Ultra-Low-Energy Electronics

一个新的“三明治风格”制造工艺将半导体放置在两个镜子之间的一个原子薄,使澳大利亚研究人员能够基于轻质的混合颗粒激素激烈的 - 极 - 果龙,朝着超低的能量电子迈出了重要一步。欧洲杯猜球平台


Conventional electronics relies on flowing electrons, or 'holes' (a hole is the absence of an electron, ie a positively-charged quasiparticle).

However, a major field of future electronics focusses instead on use of激子((an electron bound to a hole) because, in principle, they could flow in a semiconductor without losing energy by forming a collectivesuperfluid状态。在新颖,积极研究的原子薄的半导体中,在室温下进行了稳定的激体。


由ANU领导的舰队团队 - 与Swinburne大学的同事和舰队合作伙伴机构Wroclaw University-与原子上薄的材料结合了激子,以表明他们的远程传播,而没有任何能源耗散,在室温下。

当激子(物质)与光子(光)结合时,它会形成一种新的杂化粒子 - 激子 - 果龙。在两个平行高质量的镜子之间捕获光光学微腔允许这种情况发生。

In the new study, a new 'sandwich-style' fabrication process for the optical microcavity allowed the researchers to minimise damage to the atomically-thin semiconductor and to maximise the interaction between the excitons and the photons. The exciton-polaritons formed in this structure were able to propagate without energy dissipation across tens of micrometres, the typical scale of an electronic microchip.

Microcavity construction is the key

A high-quality optical microcavity that ensures the longevity of light (photonic) component of exciton-polaritons is the key to these observations.

该研究发现,如果激动子 - 摩尔体可以变得非常稳定,如果microcavity以特殊的方式构造,避免在制造过程中夹在镜子之间的脆弱的半导体损坏。

“反激子旅行的原子薄材料的选择要远不那么重要,”Lead和通讯作家Matthias Wurdack说。

“我们发现该微腔是关键,”马蒂亚斯说,”And while we used tungsten sulfide (WS2)in this particular experiment, we believe any other atomically-thin TMDC material would also work."


The team built the microcavity by stacking all its components one by one. First, a bottom mirror of the microcavity is fabricated, then a semiconductor layer is placed onto it, and then the microcavity is completed by placing another mirror on top. Critically, the team did not deposit the upper mirror structure directly onto the notoriously fragile atomically-thin semiconductor, which is easily damaged during any material deposition process.

"Instead, we fabricate the entire top structure separately, and then place it on top of the semiconductor mechanically, like making a sandwich,"马蒂亚斯说。

"Thus we avoid any damage to the atomically-thin semiconductor, and preserve the properties of its excitons."

Importantly, the researchers optimised this sandwiching method to make the cavity very short, which maximized the exciton-photon interaction.

“我们也从一些偶然性中受益。”say Matthias. "制造的事故最终成为我们成功的关键!”


微腔中的这种楔子为激子 - 珠制子创造了电压/电势“斜率”,颗粒上或向下移动。欧洲杯猜球平台

研究人员发现,一定比例的激子 - 波利顿群岛以倾斜度上下的总(潜在和动力学)能量保护。从斜坡上行驶,他们将势能转换为相等数量的动能,反之亦然。


“这次演示是第一次在原子上薄的TMDC中弹道传输的弹道传输是迈向未来,超低能量激子电子电子的重要一步,“”says group leader Prof Elena Ostrovskaya (ANU).

Apart from creating the potential "slope", that same fabrication accident created a potential well for exciton-polaritons. This enabled the researchers to catch and accumulate the travelling exciton-polaritons in the well – an essential first step for trapping and guiding them on a microchip."

激子 - 果龙的远程,室温流动

此外,研究人员证实,激子 - 果龙可以在原子上薄的半导体中传播数十微米(容易远足以获得功能电子设备),而不会散射材料缺陷。这与这些材料中的激子相反,这些材料的行进长度大大减少了这些缺陷。欧洲杯足球竞彩

此外,激子 - 极光子能够保留其内在的连贯性(在时空和时间上不同点的信号之间的相关性),这是其作为信息载体的潜力。

“在室温下实现了这种远程,连贯的运输,这对于开发原子上薄的半导体的实际应用非常重要”马蒂亚斯·沃达克(Matthias Wurdack)说。


"In fact, counterintuitively, our calculations show that the propagation length is getting longer at higher temperatures, which is important for technological applications,"said Matthias.

The study

在原子上薄的半导体中,室温激发量极化的狭窄,弹道运输和捕获was published in自然通讯in September 2021 (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-25656-7)



激子 - 两极的无耗散运输是实现低能量激子晶体管的一种候选物理现象。

Ostrovskaya教授领导Fleet的研究主题2,该主题2旨在在原子上薄的半导体中创建激子 - 波利顿冷凝物(可以表现出超流量的集体状态),以在提出的新的近零抵抗中以极少的浪费浪费能量来实现电流流量,以实现电流流量。,由舰队寻求的超低能电子设备。

The Centre for Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies (FLEET) is a collaboration of over one hundred researchers, seeking to develop ultra-low energy electronics to face the challenge of energy use in computation, which already consumes 8% of global electricity, and is doubling each decade.



