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有机硝酸盐是化学技术中的一类重要化合物,用于合成高性能聚合物,橡胶的精细化学物质,农业化学物质和原材料。欧洲杯足球竞彩硝酸合成的传统方法涉及氰化物反应,Rosenmund-von braun反应以及将氰化物替代氰化物为烷基和芳基卤化物,其中有毒HCN或金属氰化物(例如KCN,NACN和CUCN)通常使用。

这些有毒的氰化物造成了一些环境灾难,例如1984年在印度博帕尔的氰化物溢油和2000年在罗马尼亚的拜亚·马雷(Baia Mare)造成了许多新的方法。避免有毒的氰化物,为硝酸盐合成而开发了许多新颖的方法首选,因为它具有可持续和易于处理的特征,它通过使用分子氨而不是氰化物作为氮来源。

高温下的气态氧化剂已在有机硝酸盐等有机硝酸盐和基于钒的催化剂上产生的有机硝酸盐和3-氰基吡啶的产生,但通常发生过度氧化,以形成无价的CO COx物种。另外,氨还会在高温下腐蚀反应器。

液相铝氧化提供了解决这些问题的替代途径,典型的催化剂是锰氧化物。例如,M。Harutaet al.reported benzonitrile synthesis from benzyl alcohol ammoxidation over MnO2supported Au catalyst, where the benzonitrile hydration occurred to form benzamide. N. Mizunoet al.从OMS-2催化剂上的酒精氧化剂中合成了原发性酰胺。在这些情况下,尚未解决的问题是,酰胺和硝酸盐总是同时产生无法控制的选择性,尤其是在恶劣的反应条件下,使苯硝基水合有益于苯甲酰胺。

Therefore, multiple complex post-treatment procedures were usually employed to obtain the desired products. Up to now, it is still difficult to effectively manipulate the product selectivity, for example, switching off the amide production from nitrile hydration.

Recently, a research team led by Prof. Feng-Shou Xiao and Prof. Liang Wang from Zhejiang University, China reported the selectivities for nitrile and amide could be efficiently controlled by changing the crystalline nature of manganese oxides. The MnO2基于基于α,β,γ和δ相的催化剂(包括α,β,γ和δ相)在酒精的二氧化中表现出很高的选择性,而硝酸盐则选择性地在α-MN上获得2o3-based catalysts with almost switched off nitrile hydration.

机理研究表明α-MN2o3-based catalysts are active for the ammoxidation, but inert for the water decomposition, thus to prevent the nitrile hydration. In contrast, the MnO2-based crystals are favorable for the water decomposition to accelerate the nitrile hydration to amide. Such features of manganese oxide catalysts have not been reported yet, which might help to artificially control of the product selectivity in ammoxidation. The results were published inChinese Journal of Catalysis

This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFB0604801), National Natural Science Foundation of China (21822203 and 21932006), Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (LR18B030002). The FTIR characterizations in this paper have been done in the Prof. Lijuan Song's Lab in Liaoning Shihua University.


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