学习:Joining and cycling performance of ultra-thick tungsten coatings on patterned steel substrates for fusion armour applications。图片来源:Bjoern Wylezich/Shutterstock.com
Tungsten as A Promising Material
Neutron irradiation responses of tungsten and tungsten alloys by nuclear fission reactors were good. The connection between displacement damage and transmutation components under neutron irradiation is presented based on these investigations. Plasma surface contact is demonstrated using He ion irradiation and tungsten.

(一种)Schematic of the field-assisted sintering technique (FAST). Sketch of(b)the patterned surface of the steel substrate,(C)沿A-A线的横截面突出显示了(b)中的(d)(c)中B圈的区域B的放大视图。毫米的尺寸。图片来源:Cui,W。等,材料和设计杂志欧洲杯足球竞彩
Tungsten Unfavorable Traits

Tungsten Coating Methods
Because of the large difference in melting points, tungsten/steel joining is frequently done independently from tungsten manufacture. Alternatively, a tungsten outer coating can be deposited directly onto iron or other material via a deposition method.
The deposition of thin inter-leaved layers of tungsten and steel to produce a graded interface has been researched using techniques for thermal transfer mismatch strain control, such as air or vacuum plasma spraying (APS, VPS) of tungsten in the liquid form or droplets. The goal of the graded interface technique is to spread thermally induced stresses over a larger area of material and lower the potential for failure for delamination of a discrete interface.
现场辅助的烧结过程用于在圆柱高密度石墨模具(快速)的钢样品上创建类似纽扣的钨。通过在模具和粉末材料之间放置电流,从而在快速加热冷粉中,从而引起快速的焦耳加热。为了促进烧结,通常同时同时施加高达50 MPa的单轴压力。

(一种)SE micrograph showing a dark grey interlayer at the tungsten/steel interface, and(B-F)EDS spectra showing the distribution of Fe, W, Cr, O and Mn. Image Credit: Cui, W., et al, Materials and Design Journal
将钨纳米植物放入模具中,并按下,以鼓励在任何EDM诱导的表面氧化物层通过玻璃珠爆炸和清洁去除任何EDM诱导的表面氧化物后,在预剪切的金属表面上均匀地分散和浸润。使用4、6和8 g的钨重量创建了各种厚度的涂层。
To limit the otherwise disastrous effect of thermal expansion mismatch stresses on coatings delamination, the field aided sintering approach was examined to produce thick, dense tungsten coating immediately onto pre-patterned AISI 416 steel substrates.
The method was effective in producing tungsten coatings with intentionally generated segmentation fissures and equiaxed, randomly distributed grains of 200 nm. In the as-fabricated state and following heat cycling between 300 and 800 in a specialized furnace designed to imitate the temperature conditions essential to fusion plasma-facing applications, the coated segments remained firmly adhered to the substrate.
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