
Carnegie's Yingwei Fei and Lin Wang were part of an international research team that synthesized a new ultrahard form of carbon glass with a wealth of potential practical applications for devices and electronics. It is the hardest known glass with the highest thermal conductivity among all glass materials. Their findings are published inNature.


Carbon is unrivaled in its ability to form stable structures-;alone and in combination with other elements. Some forms of carbon are highly organized, with repeating crystalline lattices. Others are more disordered, a quality termed amorphous.


“The synthesis of an amorphous carbon material with three-dimensional bonds has been a long-standing goal,"FEI解释了。“The trick is to find the right starting material to transform with the application of pressure."

数十年来,卡内基研究人员一直处于该领域的最前沿,使用实验室技术产生极端压力来产生新颖的材料或模仿在行星内部深处发现的条件,”欧洲杯足球竞彩加入了卡内基地球和行星实验室主任理查德·卡尔森(Richard Carlson)。

Because of its extremely high melting point, it's impossible to use diamond as the starting point to synthesize diamond-like glass. However, the research team, led by Jilin University's Bingbing Liu and Mingguang Yao-;a former Carnegie visiting scholar-;made their breakthrough by using a form of carbon composed of 60 molecules arranged to form a hollow ball. Informally called a buckyball, this Nobel Prize-winning material was heated just enough to collapse its soccer-ball-like structure to induce disorder before turning the carbon to crystalline diamond under pressure.


创建具有如此出色特性的玻璃将为新应用打开大门,“ FEI解释了。”The use of new glass materials hinges on making large pieces, which has posed a challenge in the past. The comparatively lower temperature at which we were able to synthesize this new ultrahard diamond glass makes mass production more practical."


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