Successful Integration of Fuel Cell with Methanol-Reforming System

Researchers at theCAS Dalian化学物理研究所(DICP)在他们对甲醇催化重整氢化的75kW燃料电池系统的研究中,他们得分了重要的进展。

They were successful in an integration of a CO resistant proton exchange membrane fuel cell system with a hydrogen source system of catalytic reforming of methanol on June 7 with a steady electricity generation for 3 hours.

据专家说,这证明燃料电池系统可以适应甲醇改革者产生的氢气并包含痕量的CO。该操作表明,最大功率输出达到了75.5kW,甲醇改革仪的稳定氢供应量为70.5nm3 H2/h。在改革气体中,氢含量为53 V%,CO为CA。20ppm。

As a key project of the CAS Knowledge Innovation Program conducted by DICP researchers, its integration experiment confirmed the feasibility of employing in-situ hydrogen generation from hydrogen-rich liquid fuels by proton exchange membrane fuel cells. It also made DICP become one of the organizations that possesses a proprietary technology of integrating hydrogen sources generated by catalytic methanol reformer with large power fuel cells. The latest advance in this kind of technology was the methanol-reformer fuelled NECAR5 type fuel cell sedan by Daimler-Chrysler Co. of USA.


