
电动汽车(电动汽车)需要更便宜,更有效,更持久的电池,如果使用广泛流行,则不会在使用或污染环境时破裂。科学家佐治亚理工学院believe that they have identified rubber — a common material — as a possible and beneficial alternative to the existing lithium-ion batteries in rubber.

Prof. Seung Woo Lee (left) and Michael J. Lee (right) have demonstrated a more cost-effective, safer solid polymer electrolyte (rubber material) for all-solid-state batteries. Image Credit: Georgia Institute of Technology.

Due to their enhanced mechanical properties, elastomers, or so-called synthetic rubbers, are broadly used in commercial products and modern applications such as wearable electronics and soft robotics. The scientists determined that when devised into a 3D structure, the material intervened as a superhighway for rapid lithium-ion transport with excellent mechanical tenacity, leading to longer rechargeable batteries that can go quite far.


A liquid electrolyte moves ions in conventional lithium-ion batteries. Moreover, the battery is highly unstable — even minor damage can cause electrolyte leakage, resulting in a fire or an explosion. The industry has been compelled to consider solid-state batteries, which can be made from inorganic ceramic material or organic polymers due to safety concerns.

Most of the industry is focusing on building inorganic solid-state electrolytes. But they are hard to make, expensive, and are not environmentally friendly

佐治亚理工学院乔治·W·伍德拉夫机械工程学院副教授Seung Woo Lee




Using rubber electrolytes, engineers from Georgia Tech have fixed common issues like slow lithium-ion transport and poor mechanical properties. The ability of the material to form a three-dimensional (3D) interconnected plastic crystal phase inside the sturdy rubber matrix was a major advancement. Thus, increased ionic conductivity, excellent mechanical properties and electrochemical stability have all been achieved as a result of this one-of-a-kind structure.

This rubber electrolyte can be created through a basic polymerization process at relatively low temperature, resulting in sturdy and sleek integrations on the surface of electrodes. Such special properties of rubber electrolytes help prevent the formation of lithium dendrite and permit faster moving ions, thereby allowing solid-state batteries to operate reliably even at room temperature.


佐治亚理工学院乔治·W·伍德拉夫机械工程学院副教授Seung Woo Lee

Michael Lee, a mechanical engineering graduate researcher also stated, “更高的离子电导率意味着您可以同时移动更多离子。通过增加这些电池的特定能量和能量密度,您可以增加EV的里程。”

Currently, scientists are investigating ways to enhance battery performance by improving cycle time and reducing charging time via advanced ionic conductivity. As of now, their efforts have resulted in a two-fold increase in cell performance or flow time.

这项研究可以使佐治亚州作为电动汽车创新热点的声誉受益。作为其与研究所正在进行的合作伙伴关系的一部分,与常规的锂离子电池相比,与常规的锂离子电池相比,SK Innovation(一家全球能源和石化公司)正在为电解质提供一项额外的研究,这些固态电池是安全且更加密集的。材料。

SK Innovation最近开始在佐治亚州商业上建造一家新的电动电动电池电池工厂,预计到2023年,每年将每年生产21.5吉瓦小时的锂离子电池。


Kyounghwan Choi,SK Innovation总监

通过与SK Innovation和Georgia Tech的Seung Woo Lee教授合作进行的正在进行的项目,人们对快速应用和商业化的全稳态电池有很高的期望,” Choi补充说。


Lee, M. J.,。(2022)用于高能固态锂电池的弹性电解质。自然doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-04209-4


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