
Disorder-Engineering Technique for Inorganic Solar Cells Achieves Groundbreaking Power Conversion Efficiency

Displayed over roof tops and in solar farms, silicon-based solar cells are, so far, one of the most efficient systems in generating electricity from sunlight, but their fabrication can be expensive and energy demanding, aside from being heavy and bulky. The alternative solution of lower-cost thin film solar cells also brings the caveat of being mainly composed of toxic elements such as lead or cadmium, or containing scarce elements such as indium or tellurium.

In the search for new technologies for thin photovoltaic systems, solar cells based onAgBiS2GydF4y2Bananocrystalshave emerged as a star player in the game, consisting of non-toxic, earth-abundant elements, produced in ambient conditions at low temperatures and with low-cost solution-processing techniques. It can be integrated in ultrathin solar cells and has proven to be very stable, avoiding degradation of the cell over long periods of time.

早在2016年,ICREA教授在ICFO Gerasimos Konstantatos进行的研究制造了一个基于AGBIS2纳米晶体的半导体吸收器35nm厚的太阳能电池,该纳米晶体在非常低的温度(100ºC)(100ºC)(级数低)(级数低)基于太阳能电池)并通过逐层沉积过程在纳米级设计,以达到约6%的效率。尽管是硅的有希望的绿色替代品,但这些细胞仍然无法实现与商业化相关的引人入胜的性能。GydF4y2Ba

As such, many studies delved into ways to improve their performance and found that the optimal thickness of these semiconductor absorbers is closely linked to the absorption coefficients, thus the goal would be to find an ultrathin solar cell capable of having a high absorption efficiency, quantum efficiency and ultimate performance while reducing cost, weight and manufacturing. But, while aiming for an ultra-thin layered cell, the issue of dealing with light-trapping structures would add cost and complexity to the issue, because the thinner the structure, the more complex it becomes to absorb energy.

To overcome this challenge, ICFO researchersYongjie WanGydF4y2BaGGydF4y2Ba,,,,GydF4y2BaIgnasi Burgues-Ceballos, 与合作GydF4y2Ba大卫·斯坎伦教授GydF4y2Ba来自伦敦大学学院GydF4y2BaProf阿隆·沃尔什(Aron Walsh)GydF4y2Ba来自伦敦帝国学院和GydF4y2BaSeánKavanaghGydF4y2Ba(UCL和帝国),由ICFO的ICREA教授领导GydF4y2BaGerasimos Konstantatos,取得了相当大的飞跃,并取得了突破性的结果。他们的研究在自然光子学上发表,报告了一种基于Agbis制造这些太阳能电池的全新方法GydF4y2Ba2GydF4y2Ba这使吸收系数高于迄今为止使用的任何其他光伏材料。GydF4y2Ba


In their study, the researchers cleverly engineered the layer of nanocrystals in the cell with an unconventional approach called cation disorder engineering. To do this, they took the AgBiS2GydF4y2Bananocrystals and by using a mild annealing process, they were able to tune the atomic positions of the cations within the lattice to actually force acation inter-site exchange并实现GydF4y2Ba同质阳离子分布GydF4y2Ba。GydF4y2Ba

通过应用不同的退火温度并在结晶排列中实现不同的阳离子分布,他们能够证明这种半导体材料表现出吸收系数GydF4y2Ba大5-10倍GydF4y2Bathan any other material currently used in photovoltaic technology and, even more so, across a spectral range that cover from the紫外线GydF4y2Ba((400nm) to the红外线的GydF4y2Ba(1000nm)。为此,这种新材料需要一种新的表面化学,以便在退火时保留纳米晶体的光电质量。因此,作者利用膀胱丙酸作为一种钝化配体,在退火时保留了材料质量。GydF4y2Ba

为了预测和验证作品的假设,作者实施了支持实验证据的密度功能理论计算。GydF4y2BaSeánKavanaghGydF4y2Ba,,,,a co-first author of the study from UCL and Imperial College, states: "原子障碍在新兴无机太阳能电池中的重要性目前是该领域讨论的热门话题。我们对AGBIS阳离子障碍的热力学和光学 /电子效应的理论研究GydF4y2Ba2GydF4y2Ba揭示了阳离子重新分布的可及性和对光电特性的强烈影响。我们的计算表明,同质阳离子分布将在这些无序材料中产生最佳的太阳能细胞性能,从而证实了实验发现,作为理论与实验之间的协同作用的证明。”欧洲杯足球竞彩GydF4y2Ba

With this result, they constructed an ultrathin solution-processed solar cell by depositing the AgBiS2GydF4y2Ba纳米晶体(按层层)上的ITO/玻璃,最常用的透明导电氧化物底物等。他们用PTAA(Poly Triaryl胺)溶液覆盖了设备,并在人工阳光下照亮设备后,他们记录了超过100 nm,10-50次的设备的功率转换效率超过9%比当前的薄膜PV技术薄,硅PV薄。GydF4y2Ba

其中一种冠军设备被发送到美国纽波特的认证光伏(PV)校准实验室,该实验室证明了转换效率GydF4y2Ba8.85%在AM 1.5克满下的阳光照明下。作为ICFO研究人员和研究的第一作者,GydF4y2BaYongjie WanG,,,,GydF4y2Ba注释, ”GydF4y2BaWhile we noticed a strong darkening of our thin films upon mild annealing due to increased absorption, it一开始就制造如此薄的设备很具有挑战性。在控制过程并优化了完整堆栈(包括优化电子和孔传输层)之后,我们终于找到了一种高度可重现的结构,用于具有改善稳定性的有效太阳能电池。GydF4y2BaIt is really exciting to see that 30nm device gives such a high short-circuit current density up to 27mA/cm2GydF4y2Ba效率高达9%。GydF4y2Ba“GydF4y2Ba

As ICREA Prof. at ICFOGerasimos Konstantatosfinally highlights, "在这项研究中报道的设备在稳定性,外形和性能方面,在低温和溶液处理中创造了记录。具有阳离子障碍AGBIS的多元系统的工程GydF4y2Ba2GydF4y2Ba事实证明,胶体纳米晶体的吸收系数高于迄今为止使用的任何其他光伏材料,从而实现了非常有效的非常薄的吸收仪光伏设备。我们对结果感到兴奋,并将继续在这一研究中继续进行,以利用其在光伏以及其他光电设备中的有趣特性”。GydF4y2Ba

参考:阳离子障碍工程产生的AGBIS2纳米晶体具有增强的光学吸收,可为有效的超薄太阳能电池,Yongjie Wang,SeánR。Kavanagh,IgnasiBurgués-Ceballos,Aron Walsh,Aron Walsh,David Scanlon,Gerasimos Konstantatos,Konstantatos,gerasimos Konstantatos,GydF4y2Ba自然光子学GydF4y2Ba,2021,doi:10.1038/s41566-021-00950-4。GydF4y2Ba



