

该材料设计用于食品包装,是由明胶,粘土和黑胡椒精油的纳米乳液的科学家生产的(照片:准备混合物(左)和基于明胶的生物膜。图像信用:researcher’s archive.


Given all these disadvantages, decreasing fossil fuel usage to create plastic is the goal of numerous studies worldwide. Many researchers are keen to create biodegradable packaging supplies that also avoid contamination by microorganisms and prolong life span so as to lessen losses.

Research carried out by a team referred to as the Composites and Hybrid Nanocomposites Group (GCNH) at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Ilha Solteira has majorly contributed to resolving this issue.fapespsupported the research, and an article presenting the study’s findings has been reported in the journalPolymers



MárciaRegina de Moura Aouada,Ilha Solteira工程学院教授(FEIS-UNESP)

化学家和材料科学家MárciaReginade Moura Aouada是该研究的最后一位欧洲杯足球竞彩作者。

“However, biopolymers for packaging have characteristics that need to be improved in order to be comparable to petroleum products, especially as far as mechanical properties and vapor permeability are concerned, so we added cloisite Na+ nanoclay to the gelatin,”她解释说。

当将纳米粘土添加到电影中时,这部电影变得更加均匀,其拉伸强度提高到70兆帕(MPA)。相比之下,传统聚乙烯包装的拉伸强度范围为20 MPa至30 MPa,不到一半。

Besides nanoclay, we also added a nanoemulsion made from black pepper essential oil to give the packaging a more attractive flavor and odor. The mixture also extends the shelf life of food products packaged with the material, thanks to the inclusion of anti-microbial and anti-oxidant components in the polymeric matrix.

MárciaRegina de Moura Aouada,Ilha Solteira工程学院教授(FEIS-UNESP)

Originally, the bioplastic was developed to package beef in the form of hamburgers, which are susceptible to contamination by microbes and have a strong odor, but the theory of integrating nanoclay and essential oil nanoemulsion to a gelatin matrix can and will be applied to other food items, differing in the type and proportion of essential oil employed.

“If this kind of packaging becomes widespread in the marketplace, it could significantly reduce the use of plastic made from non-biodegradable polymers and hence the amount of solid waste,”穆拉·奥达(Moura Aouada)说。“此外,生物塑料将更好地保护包装食品免受病原体的污染,并有助于减少损失。”

The research direction pursued at GCNH-UNESP focuses on the circular economy, which turns waste into resources. The group’s leaders, Fauze Aouada and Márcia Moura Aouada, are professors affiliated with UNESP’s Program of Graduate Studies in Materials Science (PPGCM).


MárciaRegina de Moura Aouada,Ilha Solteira工程学院教授(FEIS-UNESP)

该小组还开发了可食用的包装,其中含有从可可酱,羽衣甘蓝,卡缪(Camu Camu)(Myrciaria dubia)提取物,Cupuassu(theobroma grandiflorum)perée和纳米乳液中提取的纳米结构,以及可能在食物,杂货店中应用的敷料,以及可能应用的。和制药部门。

The study is aided by FAPESP via a Research Regular Grant and also via the Center for Development of Functional Materials (CDMF), a Research, Innovation, and Dissemination Center (RIDC) hosted by the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar).

这项研究是多学科的,每个主题都需要与几个科学家进行网络。先前的文章说,来自UNESP的Fauze Aouada,Tascila Saranti(MSC)和Pamela Melo(博士学位);来自葡萄牙国际伊比利亚纳米技术实验室的Miguel Cerqueira也是该研究的合着者。


Da S. Saranti,T.F。等。(2021)明胶膜的性能加强了。+和黑胡椒精油纳米乳液。Polymersdoi.org/10.3390/polym13244298


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