How are Aromatic Polyimides Used in Electronics?

芳族聚酰亚胺已越来越成为电子研究研究的重点,因为它们在制造各种对下一代设备至关重要的材料的特性。欧洲杯足球竞彩在期刊上写作聚合物, a team of researchers from China has investigated recent progress in research in this area.




Many materials have been manufactured which incorporate aromatic polyimides, including carbon fiber composites, films, foams, membranes, plastics for engineering purposes, varnishes, and coatings. They have been researched thoroughly for applications in high-tech domains such as optoelectronics, the aerospace industry, and microelectronics. Aromatic polyimide materials possess variable processability and superior combination characteristics.



The Study


In the review, the authors have noted that several applications for advanced aromatic polyimide films have been explored in depth in the current literature. Research has led to these films being adopted for real-life applications in the microelectronics and packaging industries. Commercial uses of these materials include base films for flexible printed circuits and as substrates for flexible packaging.




One contributing factor to the enhanced toughness of these films is the enhanced stability of imide rings which are generated during the solvent evaporation phase of processing. Fully chemically-imidized films possess superior in-plane orientation and close packing. The authors have also highlighted research into introducing ester-linked bonds and fluorinated group loadings, which has demonstrated favorable improvements to the properties of low coefficient thermal expansion films.

The team has highlighted current research into colorless films for use in flexible displays. One limitation of these films is their color, which ranges from yellow to brown. Currently, there is a high demand for films with superior heat resistance due to recent rapid progress in the field of optoelectronics. A major drawback, however, is the need to finely balance the material’s thermal properties, mechanical strength, and optical transparency. Several strategies have been developed in recent years, which have been explored in depth in the review.



The review has investigated future research directions for this exciting class of multi-functional materials to meet the demands of optoelectronics and microelectronics. Future prospects include precise control of physical changes and chemical reactions during film formation, surface modification of films including plasma treatments, improvements in the design of copolyimide film molecular structure, and imbuing polyimide films with unique properties using an inorganic-organic hybrid method.

Further Reading

Wu, Z et al. (2022)用于电子应用的芳族聚酰亚胺膜的进展[online]聚合物14(6)1269 |。可用网址:

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雷金纳德·戴维(Reginald Davey)

Written by

雷金纳德·戴维(Reginald Davey)

Reg Davey是英国诺丁汉的自由撰稿人和编辑。为Azonetwork写作代表了他多年来一直感兴趣并参与的各种兴趣和领域的融合,包括微生物学,生物医学科学和环境科学。欧洲杯线上买球



  • APA


  • MLA

    戴维(Reginald)。“电子产品中如何使用芳族聚酰亚胺?”。azom。28 December 2022. .

  • 芝加哥

    戴维(Reginald)。“电子产品中如何使用芳族聚酰亚胺?”。azom。//。((accessed December 28, 2022).

  • 哈佛大学

    戴维(Reginald)。2022。How are Aromatic Polyimides Used in Electronics?。Azom,2022年12月28日,。


