Researchers Find New Way to Overcome Performance Decline in the Cathodes of Batteries

Researchers uncover new avenue for overcoming the performance decline that occurs with repeated charge-discharge cycling in the cathodes of next generation batteries.

Battery-powered vehicles have made a significant dent in the transportation market. But that market still needs lower cost batteries that can power vehicles for greater ranges. Also desirable are low-cost batteries able to store on the grid the intermittent clean energy from solar and wind technologies and power hundreds of thousands of homes.

To meet those needs, researchers around the world are racing to develop batteries beyond the current standard of lithium-ion materials. One of the more promising candidates is the sodium-ion battery. It is particularly attractive because of the greater abundance and lower cost of sodium compared with lithium. What's more, when cycled at high voltage (4.5 volts), a sodium-ion battery can greatly increase the amount of energy that can be stored in a given weight or volume. However, its fairly rapid performance decline with charge-discharge cycling has stymied commercialization.


Key to making this discovery was the team's reliance on the world-class scientific capabilities available at Argonne's Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) and Advanced Photon Source (APS), both of which are DOE Office of Science user facilities.

“这些能力使我们能够在合成阴极材料的原子结构中实时跟踪原子结构的变化,”said Guiliang Xu, assistant chemist in Argonne's Chemical Sciences and Engineering division.


“眼见为实,”CNM纳米科学家Yuzi Liu说。“借助Argonne的世界一流的科学设施,我们不必猜测合成过程中正在发生什么。”为此,团队呼吁CNM中的透射电子显微镜,并在APS(在Beamlines 11-ID-C和20-BM上)进行同步X射线梁。

Their data revealed that, upon rapidly dropping the temperature during material synthesis, the cathode particle surface had become less smooth and exhibited large areas indicating strain. The data also showed that a push-pull effect in these areas happens during cathode cycling, causing cracking of the cathode particles and performance decline.


“Our insights are extremely important for the large-scale manufacturing of improved sodium-ion cathodes,“noted Khalil Amine, an Argonne Distinguished Fellow.“Because of the large amount of material involved, say, 1000 kilograms, there will be a large temperature variation, which will lead to many defects forming unless appropriate steps are taken."

团队成员的早期研究已大大改善了阳极。“现在,我们应该能够将我们的改进的阴极与阳极相匹配,以达到20% - 40%的性能,”said Xu.“同样重要的是,这样的电池将在高压下长期骑自行车保持性能。”

The impact could result in a longer driving range in more affordable electric vehicles and lower cost for energy storage on the electric grid.

The team published their research in Nature Communications in an article entitled,“天然晶格菌株在氧化氧化物阴极中诱导结构地震。”除Xu,Liu和Amine外,作者还包括Xiang Liu,Xinwei Zhou,Chen Zhao,Inhui Hwang,Amine Daali,Zhenzhen Yang,Yang Ren,Cheng-Jun Sun和Zonghai Chen。周和刘在CNM进行了分析,而Ren和Sun在APS进行了分析。



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