在最近发表在《杂志》上的文章中ACS Engineering Au, researchers discussed the possibility of decarbonizing shale gas in the Permian盆地。
学习:二叠纪盆地中的页岩气脱碳:有可能吗?图片来源:Maximov Denis/Shutterstock.com
One possibility is to employ NGLs to make hydrocarbon transportation fuels, which might fill in the gaps as refineries migrate away from liquid fuels. However, in the short run, the usage of these fossil fuels would not contribute to decarbonization. In the NG/NGL supply chain, methane is also released during liquids unloading, flaring, well drilling, and equipment venting and leaking.
如果NGL被认为是液体燃料原料,则将天然气转换为CO2and hydrogen by steam methane reforming is one way to potentially achieve net-zero shale basin product emissions at a system level, depending on how the CO2和h2生产被使用。
About the Study
The team investigated whether greenhouse gas emissions from the production and consumption of these fuels could be mitigated by one of three possible outcomes of steam methane reforming coproduced natural gas to CO2。
在涵盖德克萨斯州和新墨西哥州的这个盆地中,研究人员从NG/NGL系统测量了系统级温室气体排放。分析了NGL转换为液体运输燃料的情况,H的产生2and CO2通过蒸汽甲烷的改革,证明了联合制作的NG。评估了天然气的脱碳,这是二叠纪盆地压裂操作的主要产物。基于管道可用性等基础设施,对二叠纪盆地区域的短期和长期氢消耗前景进行了分析,此外,在这些途径中评估了系统级别的温室气体排放。
Upstream emissions were linked to NGL conversion to fuel and subsequent burning, shale gas recovery, the steam methane reforming (SMR) process, and H2to ammonia conversion. The total amount of CO2E每MJ发射为28 g/mj。NGLS的燃料的生产和燃烧是该总数的最大贡献者。发射9 g-co的生成油的燃烧2e/MJ of CO2。这占该路径总排放的25%。co2injection into saline aquifers accounted for less than 1% of overall emissions.
The amount of oil produced through EOR in the Permian Basin reduced from 204 to 185 MB/day between 2019 and 2020, which resulted in a reduction in the CO21830年至1010 MMCF/天的需求。二叠纪盆地估计有16 bt-co2页岩地层的存储容量,具有47,000 MMB油的恢复潜力。在COVID-19大流行之前,德克萨斯州汤姆森附近的佩特拉·诺瓦项目已经运送了330万吨的CO2在2017年至2020年之间。
结果表明,从天然气生产和使用量减少到28 G-CO288 G-CO的E/MJ2E/MJ产生了重大影响。对于创收方法,可以实现3.4 TCF/年的部分脱碳化。如果合作2在盐水含水层中被隔离,全天然气体可能被部分脱碳。co2含水层注射不会产生任何钱。
In conclusion, this study elucidated that entirely decarbonizing shale gas systems that involve fossil-fuel burning and rely on underground CO2sequestration from natural gas SMR is extremely difficult.
The authors emphasized that as the United States explores how to phase out fossil fuels, it's important to keep an eye on whether such links and bridges from shale gas to lower-carbon transportation systems are viable. They also mentioned that developing technology to derisk biofuels or e-fuels by supplying inexpensive H2用于热解油升级或使用CO的碳捕获和利用技术2和h2are examples connected to the conceptual scenarios.
It was revealed that NGLs can be turned into fuel if petroleum refineries produce less gasoline as a result of extensive electrification. It was also observed that CO2可以泵入传统的石油沉积物以促进石油回收率。它可能被注入盐水含水层以防止CO2产生的油的燃烧产生的排放。co2基于基于断裂的液体可将其注入非常规气体沉积物中。同时,蒸汽甲烷改革产生的氢可以用于帮助氢经济增长。
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