
Scientists have illustrated the concept of incorporating old masks into a cement mixture to make stronger and more durable concrete. This has coincided with the widespread use of single-use masks during the pandemic which has caused severe environmental issues.



如果您正确处理这些废物,这些废物实际上可能是一种有价值的商品.I’m always looking out for waste streams, and my first reaction is ‘how do I turn that into something usable in concrete or asphalt?

华盛顿州立大学民用与环境工程系临时主席的研究对应作者兼教授Xianming Shi

Cement production is considered to be a carbon-intensive process, accountable for as much as 8% of carbon emissions throughout the world. Microfibers are sometimes added to cement concrete to reinforce it. However, they are costly.


Medical masks consist of fibers that could be beneficial for the concrete industry, as they are made of polyester fabric or polypropylene where the material contacts the skin and an ultra-fine polypropylene fiber for the filtering layers. If they are not used again, disposable masks could remain in the environment for decades and pose a threat to the ecosystem.


华盛顿州立大学民用与环境工程系临时主席的研究对应作者兼教授Xianming Shi

In their proof-of-concept study, the scientists came up with a process to fabricate small mask fibers. This ranges from 5–30 mm in length and is then added to cement concrete to reinforce it and avoid its cracking.

While their testing was performed, they eliminated the metal and cotton loops from the masks, cut them up and integrated them into ordinary Portland cement. This is considered to be the most common type of cement that has been utilized throughout the world, and the basic ingredient for mortar, concrete and grout.





Zhipeng Li, a graduate student in WSU’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, headed the work. It was financially supported by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Center for Transportation Infrastructure Durability and Life Extension.

Journal Reference:

Li, Z.,. (2022) Upcycling waste mask PP microfibers in portland cement paste: Surface treatment by graphene oxide.欧洲杯足球竞彩材料信.doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2022.132238.




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