
由高级研究员Jianwei Li领导的研究小组在芬兰的药品研究实验室探索了一种新型的材料,称为超分子塑料,将替代传统的聚合物塑料替代Eco-Frymistliemlieldier材料,从而促进可持续发展。欧洲杯足球竞彩研究人员使用液体液相分离产生的超分子塑料的机械性能与常规聚合物相当,但是新的塑料更容易分解得多,并且更容易重复使用。


To address the challenge, scientists have suggested making polymers connected by non-covalent bonds that are not as powerful as covalent bonds. Unfortunately, the weaker interaction is usually not strong enough to hold molecules into materials with macroscopic sizes, which prevents the practical application of noncovalent materials.

芬兰图尔库大学的Jianwei Li研究小组发现,一个称为液体液相分离的物理概念(LLP)可以隔离和浓缩溶质,增强分子之间的键合力并驱动宏观材料的形成。欧洲杯足球竞彩所得材料的机械性能与常规聚合物相当。



"Comparable with conventional plastics, our new supramolecular plastics are smarter as they not only retain the strong mechanical property but also reserve dynamic and reversible properties that made the material self-healable and reusable," explains Postdoctoral Researcher Drjingjing yu

“先前从复杂的化学系统中筛选出产生超分子塑料的小分子之一。它与镁金属阳离子形成了智能水凝胶材料。这次,我们很高兴能教授带有llps的旧分子新技巧,”欧洲杯足球竞彩says the Principal Investigator of the laboratory, Dr Jianwei Li.

"Emerging evidence has shown that LLPS could be a significant process during the formation of cell compartments. Now, we advanced this bio- and physical-inspired phenomenon to tackle the grand challenge for our environment. I believe that more interesting materials will be explored with the LLPS process in the near future,"Li continues.


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