
Research into utilizing waste products has benefited several industries in recent years, improving their sustainability. Writing in the journal能量来自亚美尼亚和波兰的一支科学家团队研究了使用废物咖啡和酒精产品生产生物燃料。

学习:Biogas and Biohydrogen Production Using Spent Coffee Grounds and Alcohol Production Waste。图片来源:koya979/shutterstock.com


Hydrocarbons have played a key role in driving societal and industrial progress over the course of recent history. Whilst they have provided the energy needed to grease the wheels of production, their exploitation has caused a huge environmental burden. Their use in heavy industry, energy generation, and transportation is helping to cause climate change on an unprecedented scale.

To mitigate the environmental damage caused by our over-reliance on fossil fuels, research has turned in recent decades to sustainable biofuels. Biogas and biohydrogen have been developed to help meet net zero carbon emission targets. Biohydrogen only emits water vapor after combustion and has a 3.5x higher energy content than oil.


Phasing out conventional hydrocarbon-based fuels is a key aim of several governments and international bodies. Switching to sustainable biofuels offers environmental benefits such as reduced carbon emissions and exploitation of virgin resources. Additionally, it provides several economic benefits.

Producing Biofuels from Waste Materials

利用木质纤维素生物量进行生物燃料生产,为经济和环境修复策略的未来带来了巨大的潜力。这种废物生物量的生产量惊人,全球总生产估计为120 x 109每年。大约2.2 x 1021能源j包含在全球木质纤维素生物质中,可以舒适地满足全球能源需求。

The alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages industries are major contributors to worldwide waste. In distilleries, for example, 88% of raw materials become waste, making them a major polluter. Global spirits consumption is predicted to exceed thirty-eight billion liters by 2025. In the beer industry, 38.6 x 106tons of brewer’s spent grain is produced annually.


Amongst the various proposed methods for biofuel production, anaerobic digestion and dark fermentation have shown noteworthy promise. However, currently, technical challenges exist with using these techniques for the conversion of waste biomass into valuable alternative fuels. Treatment technologies have been explored in recent years, including physical, chemical, thermal, and hydrothermal treatments.

The Study






The highest biogas yields were observed using spent coffee grounds inoculated at pH 7.5. Good yields were also observed for untreated alcohol waste. Different methane yields were obtained depending on inoculum and treatment method. Due to the enhanced methane yields observed using these substrates, the authors have stated that they are promising for commercial biogas production.

For biohydrogen production, results indicated that spent coffee grains are more suitable, with data suggesting that the fermentation of alcohol waste, either treated or untreated, is not efficient for the production of this biofuel.


The authors concluded that acid hydrolysis treatment is beneficial for biohydrogen synthesis, whereas it is not important for biogas synthesis. Overall, the study has demonstrated the benefits of using spent coffee grounds and alcohol waste for the production of different biofuels and the effects of treatment technologies. The paper is valuable for future research in the field of sustainable biofuel production.


Further Reading

Vanyan,L,Cenian,A&Trchounian,K(2022)沼气和生物氢生产,使用花费的咖啡景和酒精生产浪费能量15(16)5935 [在线] mdpi.com。可用网址:


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雷金纳德·戴维(Reginald Davey)

Written by

雷金纳德·戴维(Reginald Davey)

Reg Davey是英国诺丁汉的自由撰稿人和编辑。为Azonetwork写作代表了他多年来一直感兴趣并参与的各种兴趣和领域的融合,包括微生物学,生物医学科学和环境科学。欧洲杯线上买球



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