
唐·伯克(Don Burke),主席Australian Environment Foundation,呼吁对联邦政府对核能进行的调查进行大量扩展,因为当前的审查不会产生各种能源的选项之间的足够准确或有用的比较。


Mr Burke said that the inquiry was also only comparing nuclear power generation to ‘existing electricity generation technologies’.


“In making decisions for power generation in 10 to 20 years time it is not a valid approach to take no account of the likely future costs and benefits of all competing technologies.”


“ 2004年,石油的交易价格刚刚超过20美元,现在超过70美元。需要常务委员会,因为未来将是动荡的和不可预测的。”

“The issues paper released by the inquiry last week lists over 100 points, but only two of these deal with non-nuclear energy generation.


Mr Burke said that the questions his members would like answered are:

  • What is the ‘full cycle’ likely cost of all current forms of electricity generation?
  • What is the ‘full cycle’ likely cost of emerging electricity generation technologies, including alternative forms of nuclear power generation, as well as coal, gas, hydro, solar, tidal, wind, and biomass?
  • 从当前和新兴的发电技术中,“完整周期”可能的碳平衡是什么?


“It’s what my members want, and I’m sure it’s what most Australians want.”


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