

TU Wien authors of the study from left to right: Friedrich Aumayr, Anna Niggas, and Richard Wilhelm. Image Credit: Vienna University of Technology.In the past, it has been difficult to understand the highly complicated processes that occur when ions penetrate a substance because they happen so quickly. However, modern measurements have made it possible.

How do various substances respond to the action of ions? This is a crucial question in many scientific fields, such as nuclear fusion, where the walls of the fusion reactor are bombarded with high-energy ions, as well as semiconductor technology, where semiconductors are subjected to ion beam bombardment to create intricate architectures.

Retrospective analysis of an ion impact’s effects on a substance is simple. However, it can be challenging to comprehend the temporal order of such operations. The effects of ion penetrating materials such as graphene or molybdenum disulfide on the individual particles have now been studied on a time scale of one femtosecond by a research team atTU Wien

在整个过程中彻底检查释放的电子至关重要:从某种意义上说,当测量被用来重建操作的时间序列时,测量会变成“电子慢动作”。Physical Review Letters最近发表了这些发现,甚至被选为“编辑的建议”。

Twenty to Forty Times Charged Particles

Highly charged ions are used by the research team of Professor Richard Wilhelm at the TU Wien Institute of Applied Physics. Xenon atoms have 54 electrons in their neutral state. They are stripped of 20 to 40 electrons and the remaining significantly positively charged xenon ions are then focused onto a tiny layer of material from xenon atoms.


维也纳技术大学的第一作者安娜·尼加斯(Anna Niggas)



维也纳技术大学的第一作者安娜·尼加斯(Anna Niggas)






The ion can pass through a layer of graphene in just one femtosecond. Ultrashort laser pulses have been used to measure processes on such short time scales, but in this situation, they would deposit a lot of energy in the material and fundamentally alter the process.

通过我们的方法,我们找到了一种方法,可以提供相当基本的新见解。结果有助于我们了解物质对非常短而非常强烈的辐射暴露的反应 - 不仅对离子,但最终也对电子或光

维也纳技术大学FWF开始项目负责人理查德·威廉(Richard Wilhelm)

The “Innovative Projects” program, the TU-D doctoral college at TU Wien, and the FWF, provided funding for the research.


Niggas, A.,et al。((2022) Ion-Induced Surface Charge Dynamics in Freestanding Monolayers of Graphene and MoS2通过电子的发射探测。Physical Review Lettersdoi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.086802


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