
Metastable States of Floating Crystals Demonstrated by Scientists

Using controlled wandering between their metastable states, a research team led by the GRASP—Group of Research and Applications in Statistical Physics—(CESAM/Faculty of Science) ofUliège在与布鲁塞尔大学和伯戈尼大学的合作中,展示了如何操纵漂浮晶体的网状,形状和对称性。



Multi-particle systems are quite popular in various areas of physics. Interactions between them determine how they are organized. In particular, these systems have a propensity to self-assemble when favorable interactions are present, which reduces their energy.


Floating crystals can self-assemble at liquid surfaces due to the magnetocapillary interactions between the particles. Different states with various symmetric properties coexist for a fixed number of particles; these states are referred to as metastable states. Metastable states in floating crystals have been seen in several groundbreaking studies.


Self-assembly has attracted the interest of academia and industry because of its use to fabricate tiny structures. Indeed, some structures are too large to be prepared by chemical synthesis and too small to be assembled by robotic methods. In particular, the micrometer-millimeter scale is usually the bottleneck between standard bottom-up and top-down manufacturing methods.

Nicolas Vandewalle,物理学教授,大学教授

Nicolas Vandewalle is the Director of GRASP.


The use of these metastable states for active structuring has recently attracted more attention. Consequently, defining the prerequisites for hopping between the various metastable states is a critical issue that the researchers in this study tackled.


Ylona Collard, Study First Author and Researcher, GRASP


The assembly will have a changed state after relaxing with a fixed probability. The second method selects the desired state for an assembly of N (number) + 1 beads from an assembly of N beads to manage the growth of an assembly.

The trajectory of the new bead delivered to the system is controlled by thermocapillary fluxes produced by an infrared laser that is applied to the water’s surface.

Vandewalle补充说:“Models have been proposed to study the frequency of occurrence of the different states of an assembly at its creation and to model the two experimental techniques. The simulations are in very good agreement with the experimental results. An analogy between these magnetocapillary assemblies, which can be reduced to a smaller size scale, and colloidal crystals has been proposed to broaden the perspectives of this work.

This research is important for creating tiny structures like electronic circuits, microrobots, or new materials with new physical features.


Collard, Y.,等。(2022) Controlled transitions between metastable states of 2D magnetocapillary crystals.科学报告.doi:10.1038/s41598-022-20035-8.




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