AMTC 2022 Presents International Overview of Additive Manufacturing Development

The fifth annual Advanced Manufacturing Technology Conference (AMTC), which takes place on the campus of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) October 11 - 12, will be sending a signal in favor of international cooperation. More than 60 speakers from Asia, Europe and the United States will be sharing stories of the successful integration of additive manufacturing (AM) into industrial process, as well as other news pertaining to AM development. At the AMTC, policymakers and representatives from industry and research will be signing a memorandum of understanding to establish a “Bavarian AM Cluster”.

As a key technology in the age of sustainability, additive manufacturing offers ways to transform industry’s production and products so that resources are conserved, and the climate is protected. Against the backdrop of the current global crises, AMTC 2022, as one of the most important global conferences on additive manufacturing, is all about international cooperation. C-level executives from industry, decision-makers from regulatory bodies and experts from the areas of science, research and standardization will be discussing AM trends as this technology makes its way into widespread industrial use. The most important question is: what can the three major economic regions of America, Europe and Asia learn from each other?

The global upheaval we are currently experiencing in the political systems and markets is also impacting international supply chainsOerlikon执行董事长兼AMTC创始人MichaelSüss教授说。“除了关注可持续性之外,这也是对增材制造需求增加的主要原因之一。该技术有越来越多的用途,AM的印刷和处理技术已经非常先进。剩余的技术和监管障碍可以通过合作最好克服。国际AM社区在这里扮演着关键角色。”

AMTC将于10月11日与3D创业现场的代表一起开始。在主题演讲中,AM Ventures的Arno和Unternehmertum的HelmutSchönenberger将报告国际3D初创公司的当前趋势。在圆桌会议的讨论中,Kinexon,Seurat和Kumovis的代表将讨论在面对挑战时期,初创企业如何变得更有弹性。归根结底,六家初创公司将简要介绍创新的想法,包括用于回收材料制成的AM粉末的解决方案,大规模3D金属印刷的下一代电线合金以及一种使用微波作为能量的新印刷方法欧洲杯足球竞彩来源,与传统的激光熔化过程相比,打印的速度更快,更便宜。简要演示将介绍一个基于数据的质量保证的软件平台,该平台基于数字孪生原则,以帮助避免耗时的组件测量。

10月12日会议的第二天将从小组讨论和巴伐利亚州议会主席Ilse Aigner的欢迎信息开始。随后将举行签署仪式,为西门子,奥迪,MTU,EOS,LINDE,GE ADDIDIVE和OERLIKON以及TUM之间的理解备忘录。该文件的签名标志着建立“巴伐利亚AM集群”的最后一步。在这个绰号下运作的协会试图通过私营企业与科学世界之间的跨学科合作来克服整个AM价值链的技术和经济挑战。在AM社区的合作准备就绪的信号之后,会议的讨论将从新的事物开始:对未来市场的了解。随着趋势研究将与会议同时发布,未来学家Kai Gondlach将提供有关与AM相关的市场领导的方向的见解,哪些全球趋势可能会在未来为增材制造业带来新的需求。

跨境合作的机会:在蓝色ribbon小组讨论中,包括世界经济论坛的弗朗西斯科·贝蒂(Francisco Betti),新加坡经济发展委员会的莱昂内尔·林(Lionel Lim在国际市场中,与增材制造业相关,并探讨了工业3D印刷的进一步发展中的跨境合作问题。

The conference will be topped off by an in-depth look at actual uses of additive manufacturing: Ten “blueprint cases” demonstrating successful industrial use of additive manufacturing on three continents. Examples include Singapore’s SembCorb Marine, which uses metal 3D printing in the maintenance of ships, taking advantage of the speed of quickly printable spare parts, and ST Engineering, which uses additive manufacturing to make special structural components for aircraft. Deep Blue Space, which prints components for rocket propulsion, will describe a case from China. European examples include a project by Fraunhofer Institute IGCV with Siemens Healthineers and other partners who have reengineered the printing of a complex copper heat sink along the entire production chain by using a green laser for the first time. Oerlikon and Airbus will demonstrate the successful printing and use of ultra-light antennas for satellites. Audi will present a practical example from automotive engineering, and Siemens will show how to successfully guide an AM project through internal processes. The US- based companies Eaton, Collins Aerospace and Boeing will be presenting three additional blueprint cases.

除了实际应用外,研究新闻还将与AMTC参与者共享。大学和研究机构的代表将报告正在进行的项目 - 包括两个主要的国际欧盟项目,这些项目处理技术问题,这些问题将使3D打印能够在未来几年取得重大进展。第一个项目涉及通过创新的激光束形状以及扩展可以处理的材料范围,使增材制造更快,更有效。欧洲杯足球竞彩第二个欧盟项目旨在将各种AM过程和材料结合起来,以使组件的材料特性适应本地需求,从而使新的口号“欧洲杯足球竞彩形式和属性遵循功能” will apply to future 3D printing.

AMTC 2022 speakers include:

  • Ilse Aigner, President of the Bavarian State Parliament
  • Oliver Hoffmann, Member of the Board of Management for Technical Development, Audi AG
  • Peter Koerte, Corporate Vice President, Chief Technology & Chief Strategy Officer, Siemens AG
  • TUM总裁Thomas Hofmann
  • 弗朗西斯科·贝蒂(Francisco Betti),高级制造业主管/执行委员会成员,世界经济论坛
  • 新加坡经济发展委员会(EDB)副总裁兼技术硬件和设备副总裁Lionel Lim2020欧洲杯下注官网
  • 欧盟委员会工业转型政策官员Nicholas Deliyanakis
  • 美国生态系统总监金伯利·吉布森(Kimberly Gibson)
  • Dr. Melissa Orme, Vice President, Additive Manufacturing, Boeing

For a full listing of the 60+ speakers and panelists, visit the AMTC website at: AMTC | AM Technology Conference Some 500 guests will attend the conference in person, and 3,000 more will participate virtually.



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