在最近发表在《杂志》上的论文中Japan Architectural Review,,,,researchers used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to evaluate a fume hood’s capture performance and the factors influencing the airflow rate of the exhaust, the heat source, and the experimental instruments and workers present.
Study:发热产生和在通风罩中使用实验仪器对污染物捕获效率的影响。图片来源:warut pothikit/shutterstock.com
使用CSP的通风罩分析模型。图片来源:Muta,R.,Ito,K.,JPN Archit Rev
In this study, the team quantitatively assessed the fume hood's ability to capture pollutants with the installation of heat generation and experimental instruments within the fume hood under standard working conditions. For numerical analysis, a digital twin model of a lab-installed conventional fume hood was developed. The digital twin concept also included a thorough computer-simulated person (CSP) to replicate the position of an individual working before the fume hood.
为了调查标量运输和流量,ANSYS Fluent 2022 R2被用作商业CFD程序。使用SST K -ω模型对流场的湍流进行了建模。通过调节排气的气流速度,开口表面的空气速度以三个不同的水平建立。此外,为了验证通风罩有效捕获污染物的能力,该团队检查了标量浓度分布。将分析模型离散化,并使用配备多面体网格元素的ANSYS网络融合来隔离模型。为了实现流量和标量分布的准确值,数值和边界条件,网格设计和其他标准得到了验证。
通风罩模型。图片来源:Muta,R.,Ito,K.,JPN Archit Rev
团队发现,干扰气流的实验设备对烟雾罩捕获颗粒的能力有影响。欧洲杯猜球平台当开场表面的速度为0.5 m/s时,存在于热源前面和通风罩前面的CSP对通风罩性能没有明显的影响。不管如何设定排气气流速率,接近开口表面的障碍物对开口表面速度的分布和圆流流的创建都有很大的影响。该小组指出,当烟雾罩中的工作台接近高浓度区域时,泄漏的风险。
此外,浓度分布分析的发现表明,在通风的情况下,用于组装空间的方法效率低下。开口表面和障碍物之间的距离提高了通风罩通风效率的下半部分。但是,在使用情况下,开口表面的速度设置为0.5 ms-1,,,,the pollutants behind the obstruction were effectively discharged.
通过分析烟雾罩下部的局部清除流量(L-PFR),通过分析局部污染物形成的情况来衡量当地的通风效率。根据排气的气流速率调整了L-PFR。在所有评估的情况下,L-PFR大于1.0。结果,即使有障碍物,在从底部区域清除污染物之前,有效地将空气输入到烟雾罩中。通过将障碍物移至距离开口表面几乎0.1 m的距离,通风效率可以显着提高。
Velocity distribution around the fume hood (Z = 1.63 m). Image Credit: Muta, R., Ito, K., Jpn Archit Rev
Furthermore, the team found no remarkable difference between a scenario having only an obstruction and a situation having an obstruction along with a CSP. The updraft observed near the CSP induced by metabolic heat, however, disrupted the airflow in the fume hood when the airflow rate of the exhaust was decreased. When the velocity of the opening surface reached 0.1 ms-1,观察到污染泄漏。根据作者的说法,将距离开口表面距离距离距离距离的实验设备以保留现实生活条件的捕获性能是有用的。2020欧洲杯下注官网
Further Reading
Muta,R.,Ito,K。,(2022),热罩中热量产生和使用实验仪器对污染物捕获效率的影响,JPN Archit Rev,doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/2475-8876.12300
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