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Production of Succinic Acid Using a Process with CO2 Fixation

Succinic acid is a multipurpose platform chemical for improving flavors and producing pharmaceutical products, dyes, and bio-polyesters. By more efficiently incorporating carbon dioxide (CO2),由分子生物技术教授Elke Nevoigt领导的团队已经开发了一个生态和经济上有吸引力的琥珀酸生产过程Jacobs University Bremen。再过三年,德国研究基金会(DFG)在财务上支持该项目。

Production of Succinic Acid Using a Process with CO2 Fixation

By integrating CO2more effectively, Professor Elke Nevoigt and her team developed a process that makes production of succinic acid more economical. Image credits: Jacobs University

In the chemical industry, several products are based on fossil raw materials including gas, oil, or coal. Currently, scientists are discovering substitutes built from plant waste streams and renewable carbon sources. This is also applicable to succinic acid production, which has been achieved from petroleum, as well as by fermentation from sugar and starch.


It’s exciting because glycerol has a high electron density. Compared with sugars, you therefore get a higher yield of succinic acid per carbon used

雅各布斯大学科学家Elke Nevoigt

与荷兰的Tu Delft联合的研究团队,将温室气碳二氧化碳用于琥珀酸的微生物生产过程。


雅各布斯大学科学家Elke Nevoigt

The environmental impact and energy efficiency are the benefits of this process. Using glycerol as the raw material means not only more succinic acid created in comparison to sugars, but also more CO2同时修复。


Improving the cell’s energy balance would allow more carbon to be incorporated into the target product, succinic acid,” Nevoigt得出结论。


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