
In a radical departure from conventional lens-based optics,MIT科学家开发了一种由光探测纤维的网状网制成的复杂的光学系统。纤维构建体比其基于镜头的前身具有许多优势,目前能够测量没有镜头,过滤器或检测器阵列的光的方向,强度和相位(用于描述光波的属性)光学系统(例如眼睛或相机)的经典元素。

Ultimately the researchers expect the new system will be capable of much more, with potential applications ranging from improved space telescopes to clothing that provides situational awareness to soldiers or even the visually impaired.

透明的纤维网甚至可以使巨大的计算机屏幕用光束激活,而不是手指的触摸。材料科学与工程系的尤尔·芬克(Yoel Fink)教授以及团队负责人的电子产品研究实验室说:“我们可以使用光来增强与计算机甚至游戏系统的互动。”欧洲杯足球竞彩欧洲杯线上买球“这很有趣 - 触摸光线的想法。”


The human eye, digital and film cameras, and even the Hubble space telescope rely on lenses and detector surfaces (like the retina) to create images. But while these systems deliver excellent images, they are constrained by their size, weight, fragility and limited field of view.


"When you're looking at something with your eyes, there's a particular direction you're looking in," says Ayman Abouraddy a research scientist in Fink's lab. "The field of view is defined around that direction. Depending on the lens, you may be able to capture a certain field of view around that direction, but that's it. Until now, most every optical system was limited by an optical axis or direction."

In addition to having an unlimited field of view, the fiber sphere can also detect the direction of incoming light. Light enters the transparent sphere at one point and exits at another, providing a directional reference back to the light source.

Fink的团队还创建了一个平坦的二维纤维网,并并行放置了两个这样的网。这些构造可以测量传入光的强度,能够产生放置在它们附近的物体的粗糙图像,例如字母“ E”的形状从纸上和从后面点亮。图像显示在计算机屏幕上,并根据网络测量的光强度分布重建。


The fibers can detect light anywhere along their length, producing a change in current in an external electrical circuit. While one fiber on its own cannot detect the exact location of an incoming beam of light, when many fibers are arrayed in a web, their points of intersection provide the exact coordinates of the beam. A computer assimilates the data generated by the web and translates it for the user. If the fibers were woven into a textile, for instance, an embedded computer could provide information on a small display screen or even audibly.





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