A research group has recently performed an investigation into the relationship between microstructure evolution and property degradation of two representative second-phase dispersion-strengthened tungsten materials following electron beam thermal loading。
研究人员在EBMP-30设备上进行实验。2020欧洲杯下注官网图片来源:Zhao Weiwei。
The study was performed by a research group from theHefei物理科学研究所欧洲杯线上买球(HFIP),中国科学院(CAS)。欧洲杯线上买球
The associated research was reported in the材料科学技术杂志欧洲杯足球竞彩欧洲杯线上买球。
Plasma-facing tungsten (W) materials in the magnetic confinement nuclear fusion devices have been exposed directly to high-temperature plasma and are normally subjected to transient thermal shocks of ~1 GW/m25至20 mW/m的稳态热负荷2。这可以有助于将钨的表面温度提高到1800多个。
The elevated heat flux load to W results in some irreversible material damages, like surface cracking, roughening, and surface melting. Hence, it is pressing to assess the thermal load resistance of W materials.
在这项研究中,科学家在电子束设备(电子束材料研究平台(EBMP-30))上进行了重复的热载荷,最大为30 kW。该平台旨在计算面向等离子体材料(PFM)的热冲击阻力。欧洲杯足球竞彩
“它采用30 kW的焊接电子光束,最大加速度电压为100 kV,"it can scan 30 × 30 mm2 area with maximal frame rate of 35 kHz, and its pulse duration can change from 100 ms to a continuous state” Zhuoming解释说,他协助建立了平台。
Depending on the EBMP-30 device, two representatives W-0.5 wt% ZrC (WZC) and W-1.0 wt% Y2o3选择(WYO)复合材料以了解复发稳态热载荷引起的损伤行为,吸收功率密度(APD)在10至30 mW/m的范围内2。
结果表明,当APD≤20mW/m时,WZC和WYO标本的拉伸和微观结构特性不会发生很大变化2。但是当apd≥22mW/m时2WYO标本和Y的谷物生长和完全重结晶2o3particle shedding from the W matrix were detected.
此外,WYO的最终拉伸强度和总伸长率从861 MPa下降到510 MPa,分别从15%下降到接近零。
由于Y的热膨胀(CTE)的不同系数2o3phase and W, irreversible plastic deformation of the W matrix occurs, especially around the coarse Y2o3粒欧洲杯猜球平台子导致y之间的接口2o3粒欧洲杯猜球平台子和W矩阵。
中国科学学院Hefei物理科学研究所的研究首席作者Xuebang Wu欧洲杯线上买球
在22 mW/m处的热载荷后2, WZC specimens retained the high ultimate tensile strength of 816 MPa as a result of their high recrystallization temperature (approximately 1300 ℃).
中国科学学院Hefei物理科学研究所的研究首席作者Xuebang Wu欧洲杯线上买球
Wu added, “This study reveals the correlations between the microstructure evolution and performance degradation in two representative second-phase dispersion strengthened tungsten materials, as well as the mechanism of fatigue damage by high thermal loads这为进一步开发高性能钨材料提供了重要的参考欧洲杯足球竞彩。”