


1800年代后期,大教堂的重建由赫尔曼·布莱(Hermannbollé)领导,赫尔曼·博莱(Hermannbollé)将大教堂带到了其最新的建筑形式,直到3月22日地震ND,2020年,损坏了大教堂的南尖顶。在过去的30年中,大教堂已经进行了广泛的修复工作,直到今天进行维修。在2012年大教堂南塔的重建工作中,在第一到25之间,在大约每3 m(1.1 yd)的地面以下10 cm(4英寸)的塔周围发现了受损的钢接头。throws. Most of the joints were only partially exposed in order to replace the surface layer of stone on the belltower, while the back of the joints remained embedded in stone and lime mortar. The joints were covered with a layer of rust and in drainage areas corroded all the way through the cross-section. In order to define the optimal solution for maintaining or improving the mechanical resistance and structural stability of the tower, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of Zagreb was called in to examine the joints. At their laboratory, they performed experiments on steel joints removed from the cathedral. They recommended doing the following:

  • 从可访问的关节连接中取出腐蚀
  • 对可访问的关节连接施加腐蚀保护
  • 加强发生损坏的关节连接

It was suggested that a minimal range of intrusion be used to keep the mechanical resistance and stability of the tower structure at their existing level while keeping costs at a minimum. Cortec’s CorrVerter®MCI®建议使用锈底漆来保护腐蚀。corrverter®是一种水基产品,可快速将生锈转化为保护层,并能够渗透成腐蚀的表面。它包含一种新型的化学螯合剂,可将表面生锈变成疏水性被动层。使用金属刷从关节中去除松散的锈蚀。然后,两层相关者®MCI®生锈底漆涂层直接施加到金属上。刷子用于corrverter®MCI®application on smaller metal joint surfaces, while spray application was used for larger areas. The first coat was applied at a thickness of 100 microns (4 mils). A second coat was applied at a thickness of 75 microns (3 mils). During application, the coating temperature was 13 °C (55 °F). The joints were then reinforced with steel fishplates that were welded onto the joints and also protected with CorrVerter®MCI®生锈底漆。最后一步是替换关节周围的石头。在熟练的团队和良好的项目管理的帮助下,整个项目成功完成,其成本和入侵最低。涂层渗透到金属中,并停止了腐蚀过程的进一步发展。


The town of Ilok, Croatia, is a place of rich history and cultural heritage. The medieval long fortress and royal castle of Ilok are protected historical and cultural treasures of the highest degree, enabling visitors to step into ages long past. The tower walls have a square floor plan and rest on foundations made of broken stone. These walls are exposed to damaging atmospheric influences, and the binding material between the bricks has washed away, leading to brick deterioration. Renovation work on “tower three” includes strengthening of the foundations, restoration of collapsed parts, and injection of cracks. The project involves the use of corrosion inhibitors to prolong the life of the structure. Cortec’s corrosion inhibitor, MCI®-2005 is added into concrete being used to reinforce the foundation. This amine-carboxylate based corrosion inhibitor additive will be used to protect embedded metallic reinforcement from corrosion in order to extend the lifetime of the walls. MCI®-2005是一种水基有机腐蚀,抑制了固定效果的混合物。当掺入混凝土中时,它会向加固迁移,形成一个分子层,该分子层抑制腐蚀细胞的阳极和阴极成分上的腐蚀反应。在新结构中,通过腐蚀确实启动时腐蚀速率随后的降低来量化这种保护。当与维修迫击炮和灌浆一起使用时®-2005不仅可以保护贴片中的钢筋,而且还可以帮助保护在维修附近的未经扰动的混凝土中已经存在的嵌入式加固。




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    Cortec Corporation。(2023年1月19日)。MCI®技术保护历史结构!。Azom。于2023年1月27日从//检索。

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    Cortec Corporation。“使用MCI®技术保护历史结构!”。Azom。2023年1月27日。

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    Cortec Corporation。“使用MCI®技术保护历史结构!”。Azom。//。(2023年1月27日访问)。

  • 哈佛大学

    Cortec Corporation。2023。MCI®技术保护历史结构!。Azom,2023年1月27日,。

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