
Aerogel Core Ltd, a new company established by experts from theUniversity of Bath,专门研究可以在航空航天和汽车行业中用作隔音和隔热材料的超轻型“气凝胶”。欧洲杯足球竞彩

New company, Aerogel Core Ltd, has launched following Innovate UK funding. Image Credit: University of Bath.

Innovate UK has funded the team’s spin-out company to monetize its inventive and environmentally friendly aerogels, which are synthetic, porous materials made by replacing the liquid component typically found in gels with gas.

The group has also discovered a way to use graphene to create aerogels that maintain their shape and strength without the gel structure collapsing.


The material, in particular, satisfies the functionalities of specific engineering applications for the aerospace sector, resulting in the best acoustic properties for a material of such low density.

大学机械工程系的Michele Meo教授和研究研究员Gian-Piero Malfense Fierro已从Innovate UK ICURE(大学研究的创新和商业化)计划获得资金。


Gian-Piero Malfense Fierro, Research Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath

The funding we have received from Innovate UK proves that our research is not just theoretical or done in the lab but has real-world application and, most importantly, contributes to society. Having spun out we now intend to reach other markets, such as the automotive, marine, and acoustic insulation, further supporting government targets of building back greener,” Michele Meo教授解释说。

The calculations for CO2减少航空航天行业可以证明具有净零战略来支持政府以建立Greener的潜力,该战略旨在到2050年到2050年将所有经济部门脱碳。它还为我们的大学战略提供了一个很好的例子支持我们的可持续性研究优先和采用最佳环境实践的核心价值.

巴斯大学技术转移经理Ali Hadavizadeh

Ali Hadavizadeh backed the study group to develop their technology from the Research and Innovation Services (RIS) at the University.

研究人员打算专注于通过自动化制造过程和进一步的材料开发来证明技术的可扩展性。Innovate UK授予的赠款将为商业剥削提供初步步骤,并扩大其他市场的业务案例。




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