一致Adds 100mm Diameter Multi-Stack CNC Tube Bender to Its Range


Breeze-100提供了对旋转弯曲弯曲过程组件的复杂可编程控制,因此将冷弯曲最苛刻的材料,例如100 mm/4英寸的钛管。欧洲杯足球竞彩弯曲的弯曲度最高为180度,弯曲之间的+​​/- 0.05mm的重复性极高,弯曲角度+/- 0.05度,弯曲或弯曲平面或旋转平面。弯曲的质量和可重复性满足最苛刻的应用要求,从对紧密弯曲半径的控制流动到化妆品外观到与某些体积制造过程中使用的有效水电工具的兼容。

A key element of the new machine is the Unibend Control Software, which Unison believes delivers the most versatile tube-bending capability available worldwide. Unison made the world's first all-electric tube bender in 1994, and the machine control software has been evolved over more than a decade, and now includes advanced features such as an automatic set-up routine. This will automatically sense and clamp a tube, ready for bending - greatly reducing the time required for initial set up. Unlike hydraulic benders, users also have complete control over the bend operation, and can modify the standard bend speed, clamping pressure, pressure die position and force, and mandrel positioning parameters that are applied to achieve the ideal bend. Following set up, all the operating parameters are stored, allowing the machine to be configured for further batches of parts in a few minutes, and without creating any scrap.

Unison董事总经理艾伦·皮克林(Alan Pickering)表示:“ Breeze-100的全电动驱动作用消除了对配置机器的熟练播放器的依赖,并在批次之间进行了转换 - 提高了公司的灵活性和响应能力。”“软件控制设置的可重复性提供了可重复性,也大大降低了废料。这通常可以在几个月内为机器提供回报,尤其是在当今具有螺旋式材料价格的环境中。我们的抽奖弯曲范围内的最新机器将好处扩展到在包括汽车和航空航天制造以及造船在内的各个地区的一系列新应用程序中的全电动机器。”

The control software runs on a standard Windows computer, providing further flexibility for users. This includes powerful diagnostic aids, which allow the engineering team at Unison to help manufacturers immediately with any bending problem, or machine performance issue. The machine includes a webcam, which Unison can remotely access over the internet. In combination with a software 'black box' which automatically stores the last 500 instructions entered by the operator, along with details of machinery positions from the servo motor sensors, Unison can help users to optimize their processes, as well as provide remote maintenance.

可以通过三种方式对管弯曲操作进行编程。程序可以通过从CAD软件中传输数据自动生成,并且Unison具有针对所有流行软件包的接口,并将为任何其他所需的其他包装开发接口 - 包括制造商的专有设计软件。还可以使用一个简单的编程模板,使用户可以通过在弯曲,所需的弯曲角度和管子旋转之间输入距离来创建程序。另一个选择是通过使用管子测量系统来复制或反向工程,从样品或原型中重新创建坐标。

Breeze-100代替液压力,使用伺服电动机来控制弯曲过程,包括夹具,压力模具,Mandrel和跟随器。这种全电动致动物提供了与能源消耗,可重复性和降低降噪相关的重要好处。由于只有在弯曲时才需要能量的驱动元素,因此总消费量大大减少。在一位Unison用户之一进行的测量比较中,消费显示了十倍减少。可以在不使用时会关闭微风机,可以节省进一步的能量 - 避免让液压机放置过夜和周末等的实践,以保持油温和一致性。噪声也可以降低,微风100在55-60 dB左右工作,这是等于正常语音的水平。

The new machine can be supplied to interface with a manufacturer's existing tools, or as a turnkey system complete with tooling. Unison also offers a range of complementary equipment, and an engineering service, allowing the machine to be provided as a complete automated cell, including upstream processes such as tube washing and feeding, and downstream equipment such as end-forming and robotic handling.



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