Physicists Observe Mechanism That Allows Semiconductors to Function as Novel Electronic Materials

Physicists at theUniversity of California, San Diego首次观察到“激子”内的相干性生产,这是电子和孔的结合对,使半导体能够充当新的电子设备。

Scientists working in the emerging field of nanotechnology, which is finding commercial applications for ultra-small material objects, believe that this newly discovered property could eventually help the development of novel computing devices and provide them with new insights into the quirky quantum properties of matter.

Details of the new finding appear in a paper published in the November 3 issue of the journal Physical Review Letters by a team of four physicists at UCSD working in collaboration with a materials scientist at UC Santa Barbara.

The effort was headed by Leonid Butov, a professor of physics at UCSD who in 2002 led a similar team at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to the discovery that excitons, when made sufficiently cold, tend to self-organize into an ordered array of microscopic droplets, like a miniature pearl necklace (shown in figure).


UCSD物理学助理教授,论文的合着者迈克尔·福格勒(Michael Fogler)补充说:“一种可视化连贯性的简单方法是想象一下体育场上的观众欢呼。”“如果顶部的排与底部的行同时上下,则行是相互连贯的。反过来,当观众自己的主动行动进行欢呼时,连贯性是自发的,并且没有由外部播音员的指示来精心策划。”



“Excitons are particles that can be created in semiconductors, in our case, gallium arsenide, the material used to make transistors in cell phones,” said Fogler. “One can make excitons, or excite them, by shining light on a semiconductor. The light kicks electrons out of the atomic orbitals they normally occupy inside of the material. And this creates a negatively charged ‘free’ electron and a positively charged ‘hole.’”


To suppress this annihilation, Butov and his team separate electrons and their holes in different nano-sized structures called quantum wells.

“Excitons in such nano-structures can live a thousand or even a million times longer than in a regular bulk semiconductor,” said Butov. “These long-lived excitons can be prepared in large numbers and form a high density exciton gas. But whether excitons can cool down to low temperatures before they recombine and disappear has been a key question for scientists.”


研究小组的其他成员是UCSD学生Sen Yang和Aaron Hammack和Arthur Gossard,UC Santa Barbara的材料科学系教授。欧洲杯足球竞彩欧洲杯线上买球该研究项目得到了国家科学基金会,美国陆军研究办公室和Hellman Fund的资助。欧洲杯线上买球



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