Nov 7 2006
它可能看起来不像您的典型教室,但是刚刚安装在诺顿大厅顶部的6300平方英尺的光伏面板布法罗大学have a mission to educate, as well as generate power for the classrooms and offices below.
The shiny, photovoltaic (PV) panels form the largest solar array on any building in Western New York.
诺顿大厅顶部的系统将产生足够的电源,以点亮735 100瓦灯泡,约占该建筑物年度电力消耗的6%,或相当于10个平均纽约西部10个平均纽约家庭的年度电气需求。
On a sunny day, the system's peak output will be 73.5 kilowatts with annual energy production expected to reach 73,100 kilowatt hours. The energy will be produced by direct exposure to the sun, without producing any pollution. The panels will require virtually no maintenance.
与太阳能屋顶的安装一起,该大学正在其科学和工程图书馆启动“未来的能源”,这是一场有关能源替代品的主要教育展览,以及带有图形和计算机生成的展示的“太阳休息室”,欧洲杯线上买球窗户墙提供了新的太阳能屋顶的特写景观。展览位于卡彭大厅(Capen Hall)的三楼,免费向公众开放。
詹姆斯·A·威利斯(James A.我们制定了高性能能源指南,以生产“高效”建筑物。
"I see the installation of this solar array not only as another prudent step toward a more energy-efficient future," Willis added, "but as another example of the kind of environmental leadership the university has shown for three decades now."
The Norton rooftop system is being funded in part by a $367,500 grant from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).
剩余的成本是通过由一个主要的能源保存项目创造的储蓄来资助的,该项目现在由雪佛龙子公司Chevron Energy Solutions实施UB,该子公司使用能源效率和可再生能源技术为企业和机构开发了自筹资金项目。该项目的重点是节能措施,从照明改造到热量回收,这将产生超过100万美元的年度公用事业节省。
"We are excited to be working with the university to help reduce its energy consumption and upgrade its energy infrastructure," said Jeff Williamson, director of sales for Chevron Energy Solutions. "We also commend UB on taking a lead role within the SUNY system to seek out renewable technology solutions that will provide power to campus buildings efficiently and enhance the awareness of sustainable energy practices."
As an early user of solar power, the university is helping to build a market for this clean, renewable energy technology, according to Walter Simpson, UB energy officer, director of UB Green and campus manager for the PV project.
辛普森(Simpson)指出,大学强调教育学生,教职员工和社区有关太阳能和其他能源替代方案的重视是UB获得Nyserda Grant的关键原因。
"NYSERDA commends the University at Buffalo for its strong commitment to the development and use of clean, renewable energy," said Peter R. Smith, president and chief executive officer of the agency.
Simpson said the photovoltaic array will serve to teach people about energy alternatives and to demonstrate a clean, renewable energy technology that does not contribute to global climate change.
- 描述全球变暖并引入能源替代方案的教育展示,例如太阳能,风和氢。
- 顾客可以在其中观看有关能源和环境的电影的“太阳休息室”,或在专用计算机上访问与能源相关的网站。
- 每天提供有关诺顿霍尔光伏系统产生多少太阳能的计算机显示。
- 一个“未来能源”的便携式售货亭描述了能源替代方案,并将在接下来的几个月内在两个校园的建筑物中建立。
"We face a challenge on how to significantly reduce energy consumption and transition away from fossil fuels," said Simpson. "We need to boost conservation and efficiency, we need to go with green power sources, such as wind, which we are doing, and we need to look for renewable sources that allow us to generate electricity on campus. That's what we're demonstrating with this solar array."
Design, development and construction of the "Energy for the Future" exhibit and Web site was done by Julie Cannon, an alumna of the UB School of Architecture and Planning, and Patrick Norman, a UB undergraduate student majoring in economics and environmental design, under the supervision of UB Green.