
ASTM国际Committee A05 on Metallic-Coated Iron and Steel Products will host a workshop, Hazardous Substances Affecting Metallic-Coated Steel and Other Metals, on May 23, 2007, during ASTM Committee Week in Norfolk, Va. The workshop will begin at 8:00 a.m. The topic will be the European Parliament and Council Directive on the Restrictions and use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (“the RoHS Directive”). These regulations ban the selling of electrical and electronic equipment containing more than the permitted levels of certain elements such as lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, and other chemicals. The workshop will include presentations by experts on the implications of RoHS, how to ensure metal products comply with the regulations, how to test products for compliance, what coated products/end uses are and are not affected, and surface treatments that are RoHS-compliant.


  • RoHS概述- timothy McGrady,可申报物质F40委员会主席
  • 欧洲热浸镀锌经验- thomas Langill,美国镀锌协会
  • 汉高表面技术:RoHS兼容处理- robert Miller,汉高表面技术
  • 凯密特- oakite: RoHS兼容治疗-卡尔吉尔曼,凯密特- oakite
  • 国际铅锌研究组织视角 - 安德鲁绿色,国际铅锌研究组织
  • 承销商实验室关于RoHS问题的报告-报告人待定
  • 来自美国家电制造商关于供应商期望的介绍-发言人将宣布



