
能封住管道的绷带?与巴斯夫聚异丁烯(PIB)产品Oppanol®,这不是一个梦想,但已经成为现实。在过去的几年里,巴斯夫的客户荷兰公司Stopaq Europe b.v.开发了一种以Oppanol为主要成分的胶粘剂带。该产品保护管道免受腐蚀和发丝裂缝。Stopaq®缠绕带可以可靠地密封所有缺陷,即使是最小的缺陷,因为聚合物使表面完全不透水和气体。

“从沙漠到北冰洋,PIB在任何气候条件下都保持灵活。由于这个原因,由Oppanol制成的绝缘胶带适用于每一个大陆的管道护套,”巴斯夫欧洲聚异丁烯销售经理Erwin Czech博士解释说。此外,这种聚合物是无毒的,因此对用胶带缠绕管道的员工没有风险。“通常情况下,管道是用环氧树脂漆密封的,”Czech说。“这种漆引起了人们对健康的担忧,而与此同时,未受保护的漆中的溶剂在沙特阿拉伯的高温下会蒸发。因此,在进行修补工作时,必须在管道上方搭建气候帐篷——Stopaq包装带没有必要这样做。”此外,沙粒并不影响这个“补丁”的功能,因为Oppanol甚至会附着在极其粗糙的表面上。当管道系统偶尔发生泄漏时,Oppanol自愈效应会自动触发。Oppanol的流动特性确保即使是最微小的裂缝也能自动闭合,管道仍然保持密封状态。Stopaq的出口总监Frits Doddema回忆道:“Stopaq包装带最初的发展动力来自壳牌。” The petroleum company approached Stopaq founder Frans Nooren in 1996 and asked him whether there was any way in which Stopaq’s sealing material could be used to prevent water seepage in cellars and protect pipelines from rusting. Nooren searched for a suitable material for this application and came up with Oppanol. In the meantime, Stopaq has gained customers throughout the world, primarily the Middle East. “In Saudi Arabia, we are actually the sole supplier of corrosion prevention solutions for all pipelines that run underwater — and that accounts for more than half of the entire pipeline network in the country,” states Doddema proudly. Doddema sees the cooperation with BASF very positively. “Good cooperation is an essential factor in our success.” With BASF as a solid partner, Stopaq intends to expand its future business activities still further toward Russia. “We are constantly pursuing the further development of our products and looking for possible new fields of application.” “Stopaq has succeeded in combining the properties of a tried and tested material such as Oppanol in new ways to make it useful for innovative applications,” says Czech. “The invention is a prime example of creativity.”


