

The new high field magnet, which is planned to be completed at the Hahn-Meitner-Institute Berlin (HMI) by 2011, will generate a magnetic field between 25 tesla and 30 tesla, more than half a million times stronger than the earth’s magnetic field. The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL), Tallahassee will build the magnet system for $8.7 million. The required infrastructure to run the magnet, including cooling facilities and power supplies will cost more than $14 million. In total, Euros 17.8 million will be financed for the entire project, primarily by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It allows to strengthen the HMI’s leading international position with regard to experiments combining neutron research and strong magnetic fields and low temperatures. “Scientists from all over the world already come to us because we can support them explore materials by neutron scattering under extreme external conditions. With the new magnet at HMI scientists will accomplish what is not possible up to now anywhere in the world,” said Professor Michael Steiner, the scientific director of the HMI, in Berlin. Thomas Rachel, state secretary from the German BMBF, also said: “With this powerful new magnet system, the Hahn-Meitner Institute itself becomes a magnet, pulling in researchers from around the world.”

研究人员预计,磁铁的实验会在物理,化学,生物学和材料科学领域产生新的见解,例如,实验可以有助于对高温超导性的基本理解 - 单个物质在不抗电流的情况下进行电流的能力欧洲杯足球竞彩欧洲杯线上买球较高的温度。


此外,必须开发中子仪器,尤其是用于与高场磁铁一起使用。HMI-德国Helmholtz协会支持该项目的另一个重要原因可以通过HMI-可用。Helmholtz协会主席Juergen Mlynek教授在柏林说:“ Hahn-Meitner-Institute在运行强磁铁和开发中子乐器方面拥有丰富的经验。在这种独特的专业知识的基础上,HMI将使这个雄心勃勃的项目取得成功。”


