BP, ABF and DuPont Announce $400m Bioethanol Plant

在英国,生物燃料的广泛利用如今迈出了重大一步BP, Associated British Foods (ABF) and DuPont announced major investment plans, totalling around $400 million, for the construction of a world scale bioethanol plant alongside a high technology demonstration plant to advance development work on the next generation of biofuels.


Although initial production would be bioethanol, the partners will look at the feasibility of converting it to biobutanol once the required technology is available.

Iain Conn说:“我们很高兴能宣布获得必要的批准,即与我们的合作伙伴ABF和Dupont一起在赫尔建造世界规模的生物乙醇工厂,以使汽油生物组件能够符合2010年可再生运输燃料义务。”BP的炼油和营销业务首席执行官。“此外,我们还选择了赫尔作为计划中的生物植物示范厂的首选地点,作为实验室研究工作,用于生产我们和杜邦合作伙伴在市场上的第一个高级生物燃料的生产,进展顺利。”

目前正在进行讨论,以探索与谷物贸易业务边界农业的战略合作伙伴关系,以供应本地种植的小麦原料以及与DDGS有关的副产品营销公司AB Agri,这是生物乙醇制造的副产品。预计在获得监管部门批准后,将最终确定正式协议。
"We are delighted that this exciting new project has achieved this important milestone, and are confident that construction work will commence early next year after the required regulatory approvals are obtained," said Mark Carr, CEO of British Sugar. "Front end engineering and design work will commence immediately with Aker Kvaerner leading the project and their joint venture partner Praj providing the technology expertise."

Although the plant will be built from scratch, it will have access to the existing infrastructure at the BP site for essential supporting services. Once operational it will provide around 70 new full-time posts in addition to the employment opportunities generated by the construction phase.

The BP site in Hull has also been selected as the preferred location for a planned biobutanol demonstration plant, funded and owned equally by BP and DuPont which could produce around 20,000 litres of biobutanol a year from a wide variety of feedstocks.

杜邦生物燃料负责人约翰·拉尼里(John Ranieri)说:“在过去的一年中,我们加快了生物丁醇的商业发展。”“演示设施将于2009年初开始运营,将开发处理参数并进一步推进我们新技术的商业部署。与此同时,对生物燃料的市场需求不断增长。我们同时投资于船体上生物乙醇设施的目的是一旦完成生物丁醇工艺技术开发完成并验证了可行性。”
To begin market development of biobutanol, BP and DuPont are also establishing initial introduction plans for biobutanol in the UK. The companies will import small quantities of biobutanol, sourced from an existing first generation manufacturing facility in China. The first product is expected to arrive by the end of the year and will be used to carry out infrastructure and advanced vehicle testing.


BP Biofuels负责人菲尔·纽(Phil New)评论说:“我们今天宣布的三项举措是实施BP生物燃料战略的重要第一步。”“作为一家英国的公司,BP很高兴成为第一家能够为建立英国未来这个重要市场的大量资源的能源公司,同时,将全球相关性的新产品更接近现实。”



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