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Cabot Corp在新加坡开放特色液体办公室

Cabot Corporation今天宣布,其Cabot特色液体业务已在新加坡建立了区域销售办公室。新办公室允许卡博特(Cabot)将营销计划增加到中国以及东亚太平洋地区,澳大利亚和新西兰的潜在客户。新办公室位于新加坡25号北塔楼25级的Raffles Quay,048583。

新加坡地区销售和营销办公室由Cabot特色液体区域经理Alan Carnegie领导,并由詹姆斯·王(James Wang)的额外支持,位于北京的Cabot Produce,Cabot Specialty Flics,Cabot Specialty Flics,Cabot Specialty Flics,Oil and Gas(Cabot),位于北京,中国。

Inquiries from oil companies located in Brunei, China, Indonesia, Vietnam and other countries developing new oil fields have increased with the successful use of cesium formate brines in high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) well construction in other parts of the world. "Cesium formate has been proven to be the most effective completion solution for HPHT wells," said James Turner, vice president and general manager, Cabot Specialty Fluids business. "It has consistently surpassed all other fluids in the field to solve hydraulics, well control and corrosion control issues as well as other HPHT challenges. We look forward to helping oil companies in China, the Asia Pacific region and Australia develop and expand their oil and gas production capabilities."

Cabot特色液是世界上唯一重要的葡萄甲酸盐盐水生产国。自1999年推出市场以来,Cabot's Cesium甲酸盐盐水已在北海,墨西哥湾,东欧和阿根廷的110多个HPHT井中取得了巨大成功。


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