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    Results1-10125forAlloying agents
    • Article- 2011年10月4日
    • Article-11Feb 2003
      Lithium is an alkai metal and the lightest of all metals. Its abundance, production and applications of the metal and some of its compounds are outlined. Physical, mechanical, electrical, thermal and...
    • Article-23Jul 2001
      铀is a heavy, silver-white metal resembling nickel. It is malleable, ductile, slightly paramagnetic and pyrophoric when finely divided. Its main uses are as a nuclear fuel, radioactive isotope...
    • Article- 2001年7月20日
    • Article- 2001年7月20日
      钙(CA)与ST,BA和RA一起放置在元素周期表的IIA组中。钙的名称源自拉丁语“ calas”,意为石灰,该lime早在第一个...
    • Article- 2010年11月23日
    • Article- 2001年7月20日
      Cobalt is a brittle, hard metal white in appearance resembling nickel but with a bluish tinge instead of the yellow of nickel. It imparts hardness to steels and alloys. Radioactive cobalt 60 has many...
    • Article-24May 2001
      Thermoplastic additives such as plasticisers, flame retardants, UV stabilisers, antioxidants and other additives are explained. Fillers, reinforcements and blends such as acrylonitrile butadiene...
    • Article- 2001年7月20日
    • Article- 2001年5月29日